Big Jon McCarthy to retire


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
I have heard that Big John McCarthy will retire after tonights show.
Anyone got more information on this?

I for one will miss his presence if he dose
is the fight network large enough to hold up on the market today?
I don't get it on my local server.
sorry to see Big John go but my best wishes to him in his new endeavor
It is truthfully to bad as he was a mainstay of the UFC but if he will be on Fight Network then he really is not retiring just moving to a new Network!
It is truthfully to bad as he was a mainstay of the UFC but if he will be on Fight Network then he really is not retiring just moving to a new Network!
Which makes me wonder what happened at the UFC that they wouldn't do everything in their power to keep one of their most recognizable faces. Hell, I could always recognize John even when I had no idea who the guys in the octagon were.
Yes, that is a shame. Big John has been around the UFC for many years. Sure, there are some of good refs, ie: Herb, Mario, but John was the best IMHO. He'll be missed.
While I agree that he'll be missed in the UFC, I look forward to seeing where he takes the Fight's hoping I can get it some time.
Well this might hurt the UFC a little and help the fight network alot, I wonder how much money they paid him to come over to there network?
It's a shame.

Tells you something about how the UFC management must be running things if all their big names are splitting.

But at this point, after this long, and going through the changes it has and with IMO better shows/orgs appearing since then it's getting to be kind of UFC's time to go anyway.
Heard he was retiring from referee position and going to be an announcer. Hate to see him go. He's been with the UFC since UFC 2.
I wonder if they will give him a hall of fame.

He should do.

The UFC often let their refs go to other orgs they do not have the same restricting contracts that the fighters do.........Herb Dean even fought over here in England a couple months ago....he wasnt very good though.
It is sad that the UFC didn't see his value to them. He's got a huge MMA school in my town. I'm sure he's doing well financially.
My sentiments are the same as everyone else's. I hate to see Big John go to another company since he is the last person from the old UFC days still around.

I would like to think that the UFC could have offered and did offer him a announcers gig but who knows.
It's a shame.

Tells you something about how the UFC management must be running things if all their big names are splitting.

But at this point, after this long, and going through the changes it has and with IMO better shows/orgs appearing since then it's getting to be kind of UFC's time to go anyway.

I think people are getting things twisted....he did not leave because he was upset with the UFC,nor was it anything to do with money, if you read the sherdog article he is saying he left because he wants to help expand MMA and to come closer to the 'one rule set' idea that could help unify the sport.

Big John-

"I have a lot of respect for Lorenzo and wanted him to know that I was going to be taking a job. I wanted him to hear it from me and not somebody else … some people thought I was mad at Zuffa, wanted to get away from them, and that is not true at all. Zuffa has treated me well and the commissions have treated me well. I have no complaints with anything or anybody. There just has to come that time."
I think the way the fight network is going right now that Big John is perfect for them. Big John I would assume is very knowledgable and I think he could do alot for the fight network. Fight Network is on a big expansion and them going for a big name commentator makes alot of sense.