Best you-tube training videos?


Yellow Belt
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
I'm a big fan of Kenpo de Casa on Youtube. I like the way they break down the Kenpo techniques. They make a lot of sense, especially if you have already learned the tech and want to review it. What do you like out there? It doesn't have to be on You-tube; I just picked that because so much is on there.

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
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San Francisco
I don't spend much time on youtube at all, to be honest.

As far as using youtube as a vehicle for learning a system, I don't have any faith in it. In my opinion, it's a bad idea.


Yellow Belt
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not saying that it takes the place of training with real live people. Nor does it take the place of learning from a skilled practitioner.

But it is still useful. Look at Casa De Kenpo on You tube for instance. It's a resource. That's all I'm saying.

I'd like to know if there are others as good.

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
I'm not saying that it takes the place of training with real live people. Nor does it take the place of learning from a skilled practitioner.

But it is still useful. Look at Casa De Kenpo on You tube for instance. It's a resource. That's all I'm saying.

I'd like to know if there are others as good.

what is it that you are hoping to get from youtube?

I will assume that you are training kenpo with a good instructor. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

With that assumption, what do you feel videos like Casa de Kenpo can provide you with, that your instructor cannot, or can provide better than your instructor?

What do you do if you "learn" something from a video that is in direct conflict with something your instructor has taught you? Who do you give preference to? Or do you try and keep the material both ways, even tho they conflict?



Founding Member
Oct 29, 2001
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Kennewick, WA
With that assumption, what do you feel videos like Casa de Kenpo can provide you with, that your instructor cannot, or can provide better than your instructor?

What do you do if you "learn" something from a video that is in direct conflict with something your instructor has taught you? Who do you give preference to? Or do you try and keep the material both ways, even tho they conflict?

I'd probably run it by him and say ""I saw this on youtube, it seems to work pretty slick, what do you think?"

His response may range from "we usually hit that material in belt X" to "pretty cool, lets work it" to "that #@#$ will get your *** killed, here is why....." Either way, I get to work it, and have one other guys opinion on it. If I do like it, I'll tuck that nugget aside for possible later use, whatever my instructor may think.


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
My instructor has been filming his own teachable moments from class and posting them himself. So I get the best of both worlds.

It's also a fun bonus to see myself in the background in some shots. Momma always told me I'd be famous some day!


Senior Master
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
what is it that you are hoping to get from youtube?

I will assume that you are training kenpo with a good instructor. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

With that assumption, what do you feel videos like Casa de Kenpo can provide you with, that your instructor cannot, or can provide better than your instructor?

What do you do if you "learn" something from a video that is in direct conflict with something your instructor has taught you? Who do you give preference to? Or do you try and keep the material both ways, even tho they conflict?

Here's my personal feelings on the matter.

I respect no single man as any one source of all knowledge. If something useful comes from a youtube video, and it's superior to what i'm being shown by my local knowledgeable professional, i'll incorporate what works better for me and my 'way'.

Of course that's what I like so much about teaches like Dan Inosanto......he encourages his students to explore the world for varied and different ways, and adapt what works......not just what works for Dan Inosanto.


Yellow Belt
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Take my word for it: I learn from watching you-Tube. My instructor lets me know when he likes something I see and he lets me know when he doesn't. And he tells me why. And he's dang good and explaining why. It creates a discussion about the technique which enhances my learning and his. Also, sometimes I'm sitting around at home, and I'd like to review something we've worked on. It works for me and my family. But to each his own.

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
he watches stuff because he is hungry for knowledge, and his instructor, ME, has told him to.

I tell them to look at stuff, sometimes i point out people to look at as examples of how to move, to emulate.

whenever he sees something new, he shows it to me and we discuss it. I point out why i think it is good or bad.

I dont use videos to learn NEW material, but you know what, if i saw something i liked, that i didnt know, i would try to figure it out and see if i could make it work. i know that i dont, and for that matter CANT know everything.

the problem most people have to videos is people learning WITHOUT SUPERVISION from them

thats aint the case here FC

I got him covered

what is it that you are hoping to get from youtube?

I will assume that you are training kenpo with a good instructor. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

With that assumption, what do you feel videos like Casa de Kenpo can provide you with, that your instructor cannot, or can provide better than your instructor?

What do you do if you "learn" something from a video that is in direct conflict with something your instructor has taught you? Who do you give preference to? Or do you try and keep the material both ways, even tho they conflict?


still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hello, Learning can come from can be a good source of information...for learning more about the Martial arts...

Like all informational needs to take the good from the bad ones..and know the difference!

If you can learn just one thing,one technique,one idea to better yourself and it came from youtube? gain one more step in your knowledge...!

We do not watch youtube often....Yet we found many good points and techniques that can be useful...

Most martial arts, videos,books,magazines have good info's...even youtube! ..if you can learn just one thing from each one? ...each time you will grow a little bit better...

Knowledge can come from everywhere! ....even from the beginners...!

To know only one thing or one way? ....limits one self in learning...think outside the box...!

MacDonalds is only place we eat...till we found Burger King, yet we saw on youtube....Wendy's a good places to eat...endless...burgers anyone?

Aloha, pineapple burgers? ....willing to learn something new?

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