Best places to buy mats


Purple Belt
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
I have a question, Where is a good place to buy mats and lots of them.

We have been renting a space for the times that we conduct operations and now we find that it's too small and hard to get more time. Wherever we end up the same problem needs to be overcome, because we will be the only ones there and would be able to use them(mats).

It looks like we would need about 400 and that won't be cheap.
What size and type of mat are you looking for? I picked up a couple of 4 ft x 8 ft x 2 inch mats a year or so ago for like $25 a piece, when I lucked into a deal at Dick's Sporting Goods. 400 of them would be a whole lot of coverage... Even 400 1 ft square is a fair amount of space....
What size and type of mat are you looking for? I picked up a couple of 4 ft x 8 ft x 2 inch mats a year or so ago for like $25 a piece, when I lucked into a deal at Dick's Sporting Goods. 400 of them would be a whole lot of coverage... Even 400 1 ft square is a fair amount of space....
I'm looking for the puzzle mats (red and blue) that are 1 meter square which is 39 inches. Unless they sell an imperial size cheaper, that would be ok too.

I may have messed up my calculations. I need to cover 50 ft. x 50 ft. which is roughly 15 1/2 x 15 1/2 meters so 240 mats that size.

If they are made in USA I can get them with no duty (most favored nation status) anywhere else and I pay crazzzzzzy duty.
Hi Master Wright.
depending on how much you want to spend, supreme sports in Mississauga (403/winston churchill area) sells 1 metre sq by 3/4 inch thick for between $22 and $27 per mat, depending on how many you buy.
Dusty, kj
If you do get puzzle mats make sure you get ones that are reversible with matting texture on both sides. That way you can flip them over when one side wears out.
I suggest checking out Best Sang Moo Sa-but their mats likely come from Korea so I am not sure if their low wholesale price might be undone by the high duty. Their website is

Good luck!