being vocal in class


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
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I just can't seem to get loud in class. Yelling kiai, etc. I have a problem letting it out. any suggestions? I had to do the 1 pinion for my test and I was making the sounds because I had to but not too loud. Hearing myself alone was very distracting knowing all could hear and were watching.
Sounds like stage fright? I have the same sort of problem....I only ever yell for scare tactics for sparring. Not much use doing a ki up when bashing sticks anway :shrug:
Think of it as an outward expression of your (fighting) spirit. It's not just a noise. It's YOU!
Originally posted by yilisifu
Think of it as an outward expression of your (fighting) spirit. It's not just a noise. It's YOU!

Also, the louder you kiai, the less a punch to the stomach or
chest will hurt.
Don't try to make the kiai from your lungs. Concentrate instead on getting it from right down at your stomach. There's no sense in worrying about making a lpud sound in class if you're being told to, especially if a lot of others are doing it too
But my fellow students and I generally don't kiai when we do our techniques. I myself usually forcefully expell puffs of air throughout the technique and lord knows if I want to I can let a impressive Kiai off when I need to but we as a school usually work in "Stealth Mode" as I like to call it. ;)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
But my fellow students and I generally don't kiai when we do our techniques. I myself usually forcefully expell puffs of air throughout the technique and lord knows if I want to I can let a impressive Kiai off when I need to but we as a school usually work in "Stealth Mode" as I like to call it. ;)

the only kenpo (American Kenpo related) people i've ever seen "kiai" on a regular basis is Chuck Sullivan and his Karate Connection people...but they're a bit more based in tradition than EPAK...

screaming and all that was never for me. exhaling does me just fine.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
But my fellow students and I generally don't kiai when we do our techniques. I myself usually forcefully expell puffs of air throughout the technique and lord knows if I want to I can let a impressive Kiai off when I need to but we as a school usually work in "Stealth Mode" as I like to call it. ;)

Pretty much the same in our school. We have to kiai during
testing whenever we're in a horse stance, but that's about it.
When Huk came down, the only time he made us kiai was from
a horse stance. It was funny, cause after the VERY first block,
5 minutes into the seminar, he says, "This isn't church!" LOL!
Think one of the main reasons we shout loud in my school is to learn how much air should be expelled, and how fast. Not really to frighten our opponents, or let everyone in the area know we're there... just to help us learn to control our breath. We start loud and eventually go mostly quiet.
If I'm training Karate then I will kiai and it comes froms from below the navel. Ki or chi is developed over time. I think its natural for a womans kiai to be lower. It will develop along with your training.

If you close your mouth and blow out your nose hard, you should almost be able to feel that spot below your navel. Once you find that spot, just concentrate on your kiai coming from there. Its a part of your mind/body connection which you will find all through your training.
I'm accustomed to letting out a fierce kiai when the mood strikes- but I remember feeling odd at first. When practicing at home I just breathe- as akja said you can then feel the breath....

also you may notice your kiai change. At first everone seems to make the same sound, but then develop the "spirit shout" that best fits them naturally.

As to being lower, I can't say that, but it's easy to distinguish my voice from the guys I guess from the pitch.
Th e teacher will usually tell us when to kiai but most are quiet doing kicks. My friend is very vocal and feels awkward because no one else does it but I notice if I do make noise the kick has more power.Also in tests he has to hear us breathe or yell loud enough or we have to start over. I'll have to learn to get vocal somehow. it's just not in my nature to call attention to myself.
Originally posted by rachel
Th e teacher will usually tell us when to kiai but most are quiet doing kicks. My friend is very vocal and feels awkward because no one else does it but I notice if I do make noise the kick has more power.Also in tests he has to hear us breathe or yell loud enough or we have to start over. I'll have to learn to get vocal somehow. it's just not in my nature to call attention to myself.

Some instructors early on, rather than teach someone to discover their own ki, will just tell the students to yell the word kiai, (I don't know what they do in your class) which is technically wrong. Their justification I suppose is they will learn soon. But that is not always the case.

I don't know how they teach kiai to you. So it is pointless to say do this or that. I just understand it and I would say a higher rank in your class can help you out if you don't want to ask your sensei directly. But your sensei should be more than willing to help you discover your ki.
Would you like some seemingly stupid advise?

Practice your Kia's in your car, with the windows shut. You are practically sound-proofed. It won't feel as embarrassing as doing this in other places, such as at your home, where you might be self conscience of neighbors or other members of the household hearing. Don't lose your voice, but practice daily until it sounds good enough where you won't feel too self conscience to do it in class. Then, when you practice the Kia in class, do it like you mean it. Everytime. Let it come from deep inside your lungs, not your throat.

When your no longer self conscience, then practice your Kia when you strike an actual target, such as a heavy bag. Then you will get into the essance of what the Kia is actually for. Then you will Kia with the entire body!

Seems stupid, but trust me. :asian:
Originally posted by akja
Some instructors early on, rather than teach someone to discover their own ki, will just tell the students to yell the word kiai, (I don't know what they do in your class) which is technically wrong.

I've been around a lot of people that actually say the word...and it really starts to get annoying... it's sopposed to be a large exhalation of air using the diaphragm to expel the air out of the lungs along with all the toxins in the body and to release endorphines...saying the word just doesn't do that for me. ;)
I sit in the closet and yell alot. Wait I didn't mean it like I was in the "closet" not that there is anything wrong with that lol.

I usaually let out air or a grunt. Coming into MA from wrestling our Kiai are the best lol. Just ask any of the guys I train with lol. We don't waste the air or energy for a facey sounding Kiai
Originally posted by rachel
I just can't seem to get loud in class. Yelling kiai, etc. I have a problem letting it out. any suggestions? I had to do the 1 pinion for my test and I was making the sounds because I had to but not too loud. Hearing myself alone was very distracting knowing all could hear and were watching.

It's not getting loud voice that's important. It's getting you behind the kiai, and this is done by using your body to do it.

What a good oprah(sp?) singer. It's like his/her singing is from the whole body. That's what I feel is correct kiai, except that in MA it's more focused.

One way to get there is to use your stomach to do the kiai. If you've done Zen (normal Zen, not that modern c***), you'll learn how to use your stomach to breath. It's the same with kiai. There are many other styles that teach you how to breath with you stomach, I just couldn't think of any right now.
