Being Ninja-like


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Last night it was brought to my attention that the local athortities had set up roadblocks to perform "Roadside Safety Checks" in the city my office is in. I had personal reasons for not wanting to be stoped and "saftey checked" at a random roadside stop after leaving work... Well, typically one assumes these roadblocks would be on major roads, so you'd take the back-streets to avoid them... MY problem was that I have to cross a river which only has 3 major crossing points in the area, and all would require me to travel the main highway in and out of town...

I fretted for a while on how to avoid the unknown locations of the roadside stops... when I occured to me, that I didnt know where the stops were, but someone that had been thru all of them would...

And I called the Pizza Guy. He checked with other pizza guys, He gave me the skinny, and I was able to take backroads around the "saftey check" nearest the bridge heading east out of town.

Thinking about it... it strikes me as ninja-like... employing "spys" to find the location of the authorities and avoid their checkpoints...

Or maybe Ive been watching too much "Ninja Scroll"
Yeah, very sneaky... so you work for a crack dealer or something, huh?
MerKaBa said:
so you work for a crack dealer or something, huh?

I'm far too poor to be working for a crack dealer.
ok, so either you were drunk as a skunk or you had a pile of weapons in your car. :D

either way, good thinking. your training has 'swerved' you well!

Actually, this sounds like something I would do. :ultracool Not because I have a real reason to not hit the sobriety points, but just... because.

Good thinking, John. Now you won't get caught with all that ninja poison in yer car.
Ok, specifically...

1) I have a broken Taillight which is enough for them to ticket me if they stop me at the checkpoint if they wanted to

2) I did not have a Valid Insurance card for my car with me. Idoit me put the card for my bike in the car. I would have beaten the $500.00 Ticket in court, but what a hassle AND that would have gotten me pulled from the car, and the car searched...

3) Because I homebrew, I collect peoples empties to bottle my beer in. I had been at an office Xmas party that night, and tho I had not been drinking, I had 3 cases of empty beer bottles in my trunk. THAT would not have been fun to explain, even tho the "open alcohol bottles" were in the trunk. I would have passed a breathalizer, having only had diet coke all night, but again, what a hassle...

4) I also did, in fact have a weapon in the car. The weapon was in there LEGALY, in compliance with all state laws for transporting said weapon, but again, again, explaining it? What a hassle.

So while getting stopped at the roadblock would have most likely ended up in nothing more than a $500.00 ticket that would have been thrown away in court when I showed up with the correct documentation... and possibly like a 50.00 ticket for the taillight, the time, hassle and trouble for me, were reason enough to want to avoid the "saftey check" alltogether...

So, you see... No crack, not intoxicated, just paranoid, and smart.
I hear ya. I'm so sick and tired of getting pulled over for a broken tail light or turn signal and having someone fly past me and Mr. Blue at about 60 in a 35.

I have lots of respect for police, but ... sheesh.
shesulsa: "Now you won't get caught with all that ninja poison in yer car."

Mmmm, ninja poison . . . I'll have mine on the rocks please!
John, I make wine and also collect other people's empties for the same purpose and have the same issue. Any open container - even if it's been washed - is grounds for arrest.

* rolls owls *
shesulsa said:
Any open container - even if it's been washed - is grounds for arrest.

* rolls owls *
Which makes it a problem for Kreth when he takes back the empties for his hard earned nickel.
davidg553 said:
Which makes it a problem for Kreth when he takes back the empties for his hard earned nickel.
I contract with Brinks to handle the transportation... ;)

John, I make wine and also collect other people's empties for the same purpose and have the same issue. Any open container - even if it's been washed - is grounds for arrest.

* rolls owls *

I wonder how many accidents were written up or initially reported as alcohol related because someone that wasn't drinking happened to have empties in the car to be returned for their deposit?
Last night it was brought to my attention that the local athortities had set up roadblocks to perform "Roadside Safety Checks" in the city my office is in. I had personal reasons for not wanting to be stoped and "saftey checked" at a random roadside stop after leaving work... Well, typically one assumes these roadblocks would be on major roads, so you'd take the back-streets to avoid them... MY problem was that I have to cross a river which only has 3 major crossing points in the area, and all would require me to travel the main highway in and out of town...

I fretted for a while on how to avoid the unknown locations of the roadside stops... when I occured to me, that I didnt know where the stops were, but someone that had been thru all of them would...

And I called the Pizza Guy. He checked with other pizza guys, He gave me the skinny, and I was able to take backroads around the "saftey check" nearest the bridge heading east out of town.

Thinking about it... it strikes me as ninja-like... employing "spys" to find the location of the authorities and avoid their checkpoints...

Or maybe Ive been watching too much "Ninja Scroll"

Well Done.
Ok, specifically...

1) I have a broken Taillight which is enough for them to ticket me if they stop me at the checkpoint if they wanted to

2) I did not have a Valid Insurance card for my car with me. Idoit me put the card for my bike in the car. I would have beaten the $500.00 Ticket in court, but what a hassle AND that would have gotten me pulled from the car, and the car searched...

3) Because I homebrew, I collect peoples empties to bottle my beer in. I had been at an office Xmas party that night, and tho I had not been drinking, I had 3 cases of empty beer bottles in my trunk. THAT would not have been fun to explain, even tho the "open alcohol bottles" were in the trunk. I would have passed a breathalizer, having only had diet coke all night, but again, what a hassle...

4) I also did, in fact have a weapon in the car. The weapon was in there LEGALY, in compliance with all state laws for transporting said weapon, but again, again, explaining it? What a hassle.

So while getting stopped at the roadblock would have most likely ended up in nothing more than a $500.00 ticket that would have been thrown away in court when I showed up with the correct documentation... and possibly like a 50.00 ticket for the taillight, the time, hassle and trouble for me, were reason enough to want to avoid the "saftey check" alltogether...

So, you see... No crack, not intoxicated, just paranoid, and smart.

Hmmm. I've heard that Ninja-like people don't always tell the truth.
Because I homebrew, I collect peoples empties to bottle my beer in. I had been at an office Xmas party that night, and tho I had not been drinking, I had 3 cases of empty beer bottles in my trunk. THAT would not have been fun to explain, even tho the "open alcohol bottles" were in the trunk. I would have passed a breathalizer, having only had diet coke all night, but again, what a hassle...

I volunteered for the breathalyzer right off the bat the other day, he asked me to step outside of the car saying that he smelled alcohol on my breath when I was the designated driver ^_^
He wanted me to start jumping through the DUI test & I said "Look, if I mess around here too much longer, this girl in the back seat is probably gonna puke, so let's just do the breathalyzer rather than wasting any more of your time." He gave me my ID back and told me to drive safe.
I volunteered for the breathalyzer right off the bat the other day, he asked me to step outside of the car saying that he smelled alcohol on my breath when I was the designated driver ^_^
He wanted me to start jumping through the DUI test & I said "Look, if I mess around here too much longer, this girl in the back seat is probably gonna puke, so let's just do the breathalyzer rather than wasting any more of your time." He gave me my ID back and told me to drive safe.
Since this has been resurrected... and seems to be developing new life... Let me address a couple of points.

I can't speak to every state's open container law... but I can say that I sure wouldn't charge someone who is clearly simply transporting empties for recycling. That is, unless I think they're adding to the collection of empties as they go. Especially if they've been rinsed and are in a trash bag or something like that. I think anyone who would really needs an infusion of commonsense, 'cause I think our judges would throw them out of court.

But... DUI and designated drivers. I recall one significant stretch where EVERY designated driver I stopped got arrested because they didn't quite get the concept of designated driver. And, if several people in the car have been drinking, I'm not going to be able to sort the odor of alcoholic beverages on their breath from anyone who hadn't been drinking. I routinely have drivers to step out of the car if anyone in the car had been drinking. I get them away from the car a little; we chat, and I look for indications that they've been drinking, and I take it from there. (Incidentally... I don't care if your passenger pukes in your car... that's your problem.)
But... DUI and designated drivers. I recall one significant stretch where EVERY designated driver I stopped got arrested because they didn't quite get the concept of designated driver. And, if several people in the car have been drinking, I'm not going to be able to sort the odor of alcoholic beverages on their breath from anyone who hadn't been drinking. I routinely have drivers to step out of the car if anyone in the car had been drinking. I get them away from the car a little; we chat, and I look for indications that they've been drinking, and I take it from there. (Incidentally... I don't care if your passenger pukes in your car... that's your problem.)

But of course you don't. You just keep collecting that revenue :rolleyes:
I do beleive that was ninja like. Gathering intelligence and not having to go through the hassle. Also I think Doc Jude was ninja like. Aviodance and direct confrontation are both ninja like I beleive.