Beer Fans?



Are there any fellow beer fans in the house? What are your favorites? Does anyone here homebrew? Have any Beer recipes or ones that include beer? I for one would be interested. Here is my top 5 favorite brews (some are brand specific, others are just the type of beer).

1. Hacker-Pschorr Weisse
2. Creamy Dark (Leinenkugels)
3. Boddingtons pub ale
4. Sprecher heffeweizen
5. Guinness stout (real good on a cold day)

I am planning on brewing my first batch of beer this winter. I am a huge fan of Weisse beer so that will be my first.

If anyone in interested I will post a few recipes that include beer, like a chocolate silk pie made with Guinness.
It's hard to put them in order, because it really depends on the mood, but I have a few favorites:

1. Guinness Stout (nectar of the Gods, and the reason why we Irish were never a world power. ;))
2. Duvel (In my eyes, perhaps the best example of a great Belgian trappist ale, other than possibly Corsendonk)
3. Chimay, either Blue or Red (Another great Belgian -- gotta love those monks!)
4. Sierra Nevada (for chillin' when the weather's a bit warm)
5. Harpoon Pale Ale (Great all-around brew - try the Christmas version if you ever get a chance, as it's really quite unique)

and my bonus pick...

6. Magic Hat (all varieties are great, but #7 is my favorite)


Wouldn't have a problem drinking any of your choices, as they're all top notch as well. I remember the first time I had Hacker-Pschorr back in college. I didn't know about how the yeast settles on the bottom, so that last gulp was a bit of a surprise ! :D
I have never heard of Magic Hat. I put a search on google on it and looked at the website, I will have to check the liquor store and see if they carry that here. The "hocus Pocus" label looks a lot like a label I saw in the liquor store called "Purple Haze" Perhaps it is a variant. I saw the hocus pocus is a wheat beer and purple haze is a wheat beer with brewed with Raspberry extract. I like your choices also. Sierra Nevada....aahhhh how could I forget that one. Anyone in particular? I like the pale ale myself.

The first experience I had with "real" beer was in a small local pub and they serve beer in Yard glasses and I ordered a Bud Lite. My buddy kind of laughed and said here I'll order it for you. Try this. I then received a yard glass of Black and Tan, until then I didn't know beer came in any other type but Bud and Miller. I then started down the path of beer experimentation. That was about 5 years ago.
Come on guys, you can't beet no name beer from a keg thats warmed up and has sat there for a few hours. mmmmm
Originally posted by clapping_tiger
I have never heard of Magic Hat. I put a search on google on it and looked at the website, I will have to check the liquor store and see if they carry that here. The "hocus Pocus" label looks a lot like a label I saw in the liquor store called "Purple Haze" Perhaps it is a variant. I saw the hocus pocus is a wheat beer and purple haze is a wheat beer with brewed with Raspberry extract. I like your choices also. Sierra Nevada....aahhhh how could I forget that one. Anyone in particular? I like the pale ale myself.

Yes...Purple Haze is one of the "flavors" Magic Hat puts out. It's based in Vermont, which is where I first had it, but my local liquor store usually has at least one or two of the varieties in stock, so I pick it up when I get a chance. The #7 is a bit of a secret recipe, but they do tell you that there is a "hint of apricot" in it on the me, it tastes better than it sounds! I'm not sure of the name, but here is also a variety with a wizard on the label - it might actually be just called "Magic Hat" - that's quite good as well. Haven't had the Purple Haze yet, but it sounds good - I'll have to try it if it comes in. For the SN, I meant the pale ale as well. Very smooth, very drinkable. Just makes me think of cool summer evenings. :D
1. Stroh's
2. Molson Golden
3. Belhaven Scottish Ale
4. Anchor Steam
5. Kirin (back when it was imported from Japan rather than Canada)
Originally posted by Elfan
Come on guys, you can't beet no name beer from a keg thats warmed up and has sat there for a few hours. mmmmm

I've been to my fair share of those types of parties. :D
1. McEwan's Scotch Ale
2. McEwan's IPA
3. Belhaven St Andrews
4. Caledonian Golden Promise
5. Traquair House Ale (by far my favorite, but at the price, it's a rarity)

6. SkullSplitter
7. Belhaven Wee Heavy
8. Belhaven Scottish Ale

9. Beamish - my far the best irish stout...makes Guinness wonder what they did wrong

10. Old Peculiar
11. Boddington's
12. New Castle (good standby...unfortunately I have a taste for rare ale...and New Castle is found most places nowdays)

13. the stuff

United States (hope you're sitting down)

Blacked Voodoo
Crimson Voodoo

Anything from the Stone Brewing company. Most other American beer I can't stand. American Breweries view the all-mighty dollar before quality and keeping chemicals and crap ingrediants out. Sam Adams comes to mind...the "phantom brewery"...nothing more the bottles and labels. They don't even make their own beer. Most American breweries would be shut down in Germany...due to their quality laws. Wish something like that would happen here.

more later...have to run some errands ;)

Cider anyone? Strongbow is geeeeewd
Good choices! There's actually a cajun restaurant near me that serves the Voodoo beers...they are quite good.
In WWII Americans learned to enjoy cheap beer out of nessesity; unfortunantly, Kids will either drink what there parents drank or opt for the cheap buzz of a strong malt licqor(sp). The rest of the world just gazes at us in wonder. As we all should know, life is too short to drink cheap beer!

A few of my favs are...

Widmere and Red hook Heffeweisen
Black hook
Anything wheatbased will do actualy
A new fav is Guinness draft in a botlle
Red Hook (or any) Rye beer is pretty good too
When I was in Canada, I didn't mind Boreal either. Pretty good, and it seemed like it was available everywhere.
I love half and half's
Half Guiness, half Harps. Oh what a lovely combo.:drinkbeer . Now how about that Chocolate Silk Pie recipe.:D
In my area, there's a local brewery named Yeungling that makes my favorites:

1. Yeungling's Black & Tan
2. Y's Lager
3. Y's Porter

Then Killian's Red.
Originally posted by qizmoduis
In my area, there's a local brewery named Yeungling that makes my favorites:

1. Yeungling's Black & Tan
2. Y's Lager
3. Y's Porter

Then Killian's Red.

Ah, yes. They make good stuff, and if I am correct, they are the oldest brewery in America that is still in operation.
Originally posted by Kroy
I love half and half's
Half Guiness, half Harps. Oh what a lovely combo.:drinkbeer . Now how about that Chocolate Silk Pie recipe.:D

Sorry, Haven't had much time the past few days. I will post it when i get home from work today. I promise.
I got this out of a book I had, called Beer for Dummies. I got this one when I got interested in the different types of beers available. It is a pretty good read. Serve this up at a party sometime and don't tell anyone the "secret ingredient" and sit back while they try to figure it out.

-12 ounces of Semi-Sweet chocolate chips
-24 Large Marshmallows
-2/3 cup of Guinness (or your favorite Stout Beer)
-1/3 Cup Heavy Cream or Evaporated or Condensed skim Milk ( I use Heavy Cream)
-pinch of salt
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-1 tablespoon bourbon or cream de cacao (optional - I don't use)
-1 ready made graham-cracker crust
-whipped cream and some shaved chocolate or nuts for garnish

1. Place Chocolate chips, marshmallows, and salt in a blender.

2. In two separate saucepans, heat the stout and heavy cream until very hot but not boiling (don't heat them together in one container, or the cream will curdle.........Yuck!)

3. Pour the Stout and cream into the blender and blend on medium for 1 minute. Add the vanilla and Bourbon (if you are using it), and continue to blend until very smooth.

4. Pour the mixture into the crust and refrigerate for 4 - 6 hours until firm. Add Garnish and enjoy.


A good way to get excellent beer flavor into your brats, is soak them all day and Parboil them in your favorite brew before grilling. Do it overnight for the best beer taste.
Now that sounds good. I'll make it on Thursday and let you know how it turns out. Thanks.

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