Basic Nunckaku Kata

Nice looking kata. Many good nunchaku techniques. I'm glad to see you hold the nunchaku the technical way and not the flashy way. I mean, to each their own, but that "speed chuking" ya see so often in competition martial arts has little application.
I picked this up from a kobudo instructor who was willing to share one of the basic katas with me. The grip is important because it gives you more reach.
Agreed. Sensei Carbone's nunchaku have two grooves in the handle. One is at the end, where your pinkie finger can sit when you need a grip that maximizes striking force. The other groove is up the nunchaku past the handle, where the index finger can sit to allow for the butt of the handle to stick out and to maximize trapping/grappling maneuvers with the nunchaku.

They can be found at:
Just watched the video again a few times. I like this kata. Some very basic movements, yet a good array of technical application. I have only been introduced to one of my Sensei's nunchaku kata.
I've seen a lot of nunchaku kata. Most of them are bad. Of the few that are good, it often seems like the techniques described are a little impractical...yet still effective. IMO, if you are going to pick up a flail like weapon and attempt to use it you don't need anything real fancy. That is why I like this kata. There's not a lot there other then the utmost basics. If you are practicing nunchaku with the thought that you could improvise a flail like weapon in a SD situation, this really is all you'd need.
Agreed. Sensei Carbone's nunchaku have two grooves in the handle. One is at the end, where your pinkie finger can sit when you need a grip that maximizes striking force. The other groove is up the nunchaku past the handle, where the index finger can sit to allow for the butt of the handle to stick out and to maximize trapping/grappling maneuvers with the nunchaku.

They can be found at:

I love Carbone Sensei's weapons. Next time I buy some, I'm going to get them from here.
Just watched the video again a few times. I like this kata. Some very basic movements, yet a good array of technical application. I have only been introduced to one of my Sensei's nunchaku kata.

What style of kobudo is that?
What style of kobudo is that?

Ryukyunote Kobujutsu Hozon Budo Kyokai (Weapons Connection Society) under Sensei Carbone. I've only learned the first few moves, but it is very simple. That catch/trap maneuver in the beginning of your kata is the same as in the one I am now learning. I'll be able to speak more as to the kata once I really learn it and train with it for a while.

I used to hate the nunchaku. I would say, "when will you find two sticks tied together on the street?". Now that I have been training with Sensei Carbone I am learning to respect the old weapons for how they teach us empty hand skill and for the shear beauty of their history and use. It may be feasible to get into a real fight with a flail of some sort these days, but I think what I'm learning with the nunchaku is definitely teaching me far more than that.

Ryukyunote - Hand of Ryukyu; Kobujutsu - Old warrior's technique; Hozon - Preservation; budo -Old warrior way; Kyokai - Society
Ryukyunote Kobujutsu Hozon Budo Kyokai (Weapons Connection Society) under Sensei Carbone. I've only learned the first few moves, but it is very simple. That catch/trap maneuver in the beginning of your kata is the same as in the one I am now learning. I'll be able to speak more as to the kata once I really learn it and train with it for a while.

I used to hate the nunchaku. I would say, "when will you find two sticks tied together on the street?". Now that I have been training with Sensei Carbone I am learning to respect the old weapons for how they teach us empty hand skill and for the shear beauty of their history and use. It may be feasible to get into a real fight with a flail of some sort these days, but I think what I'm learning with the nunchaku is definitely teaching me far more than that.

Ryukyunote - Hand of Ryukyu; Kobujutsu - Old warrior's technique; Hozon - Preservation; budo -Old warrior way; Kyokai - Society

What lineage is this? The reason I ask is because I am VERY curious about Okinawan weapon arts that transfer into empty hand skills. I often wonder if there was a kobudo part of the system in Itosu lineage karate arts with this kind of principle in mind.

The only place where I've experienced weapon training that transfers directly to empty hand is with arnis.

That said, how does nunchaku transfer to your empty hand practice? Are there kata analogues between weapon and empty hand kata that you practice?
I'm still beginning my education in Kobujutsu. I am not sure on the lineage of the style I train in, but I will ask Sensei Carbone next time we meet.

My father and his wife are leaving with Sensei Carbone in a week for a two week trip to Okinawa to train. Sensei Carbone is bringing his instructor, Kiichi Nakamoto Sensei, back with him. Nakamoto Sensei will be at my school the weekend of May 23rd. Kiichi Nakamoto is 10th dan in kobujutsu, goju ryu, karatedo, and iado. I'm pretty excited!
How did the trip to Okinawan go?

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