

<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Tonight the 15th of April my three son's was baptise(SP) into the catholic church, on one side I'm happy for them to be with there mother beliefs, on the other side I was hoping atleast one would have been Jewish. Well it was a great service and everything, as some of you know TXBB is my closest friend and he was my son Zachary sponsor or GodFather and did a great job. I wish to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to his wonderful wife for stepping in for my other two son Michael and Caleb for there other sponsor was at there church tonight.

Oh Terry! I understand your melancholy, however I must congratulate you and your wife on forwarding your children's spiritual education in ritual.

Remember, no matter what, they will still always be able to choose for themselves once they begin to understand spiritualism as a whole rather than sects.

May the Lord bless all your family this day. :asian:
Congrats, to your boys! Also a hats-off to you for letting your children choose their own way and not making the decision for them. As was stated, as they get older their views very well may change and Dear Ol' Dad will be there to help them along their path. Sounds like you have a special family who not only plays together, but stays together for important events in each others lives, and who has special friends who are there in support also. Firm foundations, build strong adults in the long run.
A relationship with Divinity is always a process, everyone begins somewhere...we hope and pray that this is the beginning of a ongoing growth btwn Deity and your children and not and end point. It is a wonderful place to begin...a reference point that can elicit many questions and so the asking has a place to begin. This is a good thing

Congrats on the Baptism and also on your mature spiritual attitude!
Congratulations! Spiritual growth for all involved.
terryl965 said:
Tonight the 15th of April my three son's was baptise(SP) into the catholic church, on one side I'm happy for them to be with there mother beliefs, on the other side I was hoping atleast one would have been Jewish. Well it was a great service and everything, as some of you know TXBB is my closest friend and he was my son Zachary sponsor or GodFather and did a great job. I wish to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to his wonderful wife for stepping in for my other two son Michael and Caleb for there other sponsor was at there church tonight.


I understand how you feel and I very much respect the support that you have given your wife and children. Your behavior demonstrates character and integrity of the first order. :asian:

Consider this: w/out Jewish contributions there would be NO Catholic faith. No Christianity, no true monotheism, no respect for the individual as opposed to the group, etc. So in, becoming confirmed in the Catholic Church, they are, in a way, demonstrating the power of Judaisim and recognizing their unique heritage.
Jonathan Randall said:
Consider this: w/out Jewish contributions there would be NO Catholic faith. No Christianity, no true monotheism, no respect for the individual as opposed to the group, etc.

I really don't mean to quibble here, but....

Based on my own study of the development of Christianity during the first five centuries CE, I would have to say that absolutely none of this is true.

I was baptized and confirmed in the United faith, and made a concious decision to not have my daughter baptized. The way I see it, I want to leave her spiritual journey up to her. I will share with her any ideas, texts, and discussions regarding religeon that she chooses to have with me, but hope to act only as a guide. The decision to follow a particular faith will be left up to her.

The way I see it, if I were to have her baptized and begin her on a path of religeous education, I'm implicitly endorsing one over the other, and this isn't my goal at all.

The way it worked with me, I was railroaded into a particular belief system by my step mother, and later ended up confused. I felt that, with further self education, that the belief system I was brought up with didn't reconcile with my other beliefs. I then had to undergo a period of exploration and contemplation to rearrange my entire paradigm.

IMO, this would have been a lot easier without having been force-fed a system of belief in the first place. So, I have chosen to let my daughter seek her own path. We'll see how that all works out later, I guess.
Flatlander said:
The way it worked with me, I was railroaded into a particular belief system by my step mother, and later ended up confused. I felt that, with further self education, that the belief system I was brought up with didn't reconcile with my other beliefs. I then had to undergo a period of exploration and contemplation to rearrange my entire paradigm.

My own experiences mirror yours, as well.

heretic888 said:
I really don't mean to quibble here, but....

Based on my own study of the development of Christianity during the first five centuries CE, I would have to say that absolutely none of this is true.


I am not trying to start any arguments, just curious, As Jesus is believed (in Christianity) to be the Messiah which the Jews were waiting on, and Jesus was Jewish, how is the Jewish faith not based on Judiasm?
scottcatchot said:
I am not trying to start any arguments, just curious, As Jesus is believed (in Christianity) to be the Messiah which the Jews were waiting on, and Jesus was Jewish, how is the [Christian] faith not based on Judiasm?

Well, you'll have to take a look at what I said in its original context. I specifically replied to the comments:

"Consider this: w/out Jewish contributions there would be NO Catholic faith. No Christianity, no true monotheism, no respect for the individual as opposed to the group, etc."

So, to take them one at a time:

1) The two most popular threads of early Christianity --- Marcionism and Manicheism --- emphatically rejected what we would today call Judaism. If either of these threads had gained the official approval of the Roman state under Constantine, then you wouldn't be referencing Judaism at all in regards to the Christian faith.

2) Monotheism has its origins in ancient Egypt, under Akhenaton's worship of Aton. "Judaism", in fact, did not become monotheistic until relatively late, and even then, did so under the influence of Hellenistic culture. Furthermore, there are many monotheistic strands within Hellenistic philosophy (Plato, Hercaclitus, Corpus Hermeticum, and so on). In fact, more than one Gentile critic (such as Celsus) accused the Jewish people of being polytheists at the time.

3) I really don't see the logic of approximating individualism from Judaism. It was a fairly common value system throughout Western civilization.

Also, as a minor note, I would argue against the points of Jesus fulfilling the Messiah role in modern Judaism (his character is more like the Qumranic "Teacher of Righteousness" or a Gnostic Redeemer than the Hebraic Messiah), as well as the point of Jesus being "Jewish". In my opinion, "Jesus Christ" is a mythic composite and, as such, has no real ethnicity.

I wish i never ever started this, I was making a statement and thanking folks for there help and a religious war has begun. I wonder if I will go down in history.HA HA HA !!!!
terryl965 said:
I wish i never ever started this, I was making a statement and thanking folks for there help and a religious war has begun. I wonder if I will go down in history.HA HA HA !!!!

Terry, I'm glad you did start this thread as it demonstrates character and religious harmony within your family and thus serves as a role model to others. Thread split so that the "religious war" can continue elsewhere.
terryl965 said:
Tonight the 15th of April my three son's was baptise(SP) into the catholic church, on one side I'm happy for them to be with there mother beliefs, on the other side I was hoping atleast one would have been Jewish. Well it was a great service and everything, as some of you know TXBB is my closest friend and he was my son Zachary sponsor or GodFather and did a great job. I wish to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and to his wonderful wife for stepping in for my other two son Michael and Caleb for there other sponsor was at there church tonight.


Terry I think you are a superb human being for understanding and accepting the wishes of your wife and allowing your children the benefit from experiencing her faith. Perhaps in years to come they will become curious and explore your faith with you. :)

Ok everybody I'm joking you can tell by the HA HA's, let have a decussion about this. It does not brother me, my religion is stron enough to withstand the mighty winds of change see you in the othe thread.

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