Bad News For Potter (movie) Fans


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Harry Potter and the Unexpected Summer Premiere

Natalie Finn Thu Aug 14, 12:07 PM ET

Los Angeles (E! Online) - He may have passed his O.W.L. exams, but Harry Potter is being held back.

Despite the recent Internet premiere of a certain highly anticipated trailer, Warner Bros. has announced that it's bumping the release date of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to next summer.
The film, originally slated to unspool Nov. 21, won't be bewitching us until July 17, 2009.
Not that the shake-up should give Hogwarts fans any reason to worry that this latest installment in the billion-dollar franchise isn't up to snuff—studio heads say this is purely an economic decision, based on the fact that Potter No. 6 is so darn magical.
It gets worse... :miffer:
Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group president Jeff Robinov also made a fine point: There will now be less of a wait between the sixth and seventh (and eighth) Potter films.The studio is eyeing respective summer releases in 2010 and 2011 for the two-part Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
You'd think the kids playing the films would by then be a bit too old to be playing 17 yr. olds. Sigh... No wonder Emma Watson wanted to bow out... it's one thing to play a repeat of a character over a short period of time but another to do it over 10 years? Yeah it's a steady job (of sorts) and a damn good paying job at that... but actors/actresses DO like to expand out ya know?
A longer wait for fans. Will I still be interested by then? Will you? Will the kids??
A two-parter? Sheesh. Half the book was them wandering around in the woods overhearing crucial plot bits in an outrageously unlikely fashion. Making Deathly Hallows a two-parter is really going to end up bloating it out.

It's also pretty obnoxious to delay release for 8 months for "economic reasons." You could only release the movie between 4 and 6 AM on April 15th and it would still be a worldwide blockbuster.

As for the kids, I can understand getting a bit bored with the whole thing. Still, world's tiniest violin, kids. Most of us would love to have this problem.
Jeesh. My kids will lose interest by next summer. And I'm sorry - there ain't no pharking way I'm sitting through Hallows 1 AND Hallows 2. It will be like ... like ... LOTR all over again!!

The sequels that wouldn't end! OH the HORROR!
I figure that the reason they made Hallows a two-parter is if they did justice to the battle for Hogwarts and the aftermath, they wouldn't have time for much else. Granted, the rest of the book was pretty tame, but the purists would scream bloody murder if Warner Brothers left too much out.
I figure that the reason they made Hallows a two-parter is if they did justice to the battle for Hogwarts and the aftermath, they wouldn't have time for much else. Granted, the rest of the book was pretty tame, but the purists would scream bloody murder if Warner Brothers left too much out.
Well they hacked the heck out of Goblet of Fire and Order of The Phoenix, they'll probably shortchange folks on Half Blood Prince too... gee why not go for broke.
What they should've done with ALL the books was follow Peter Jackson's idea of going back (too late for Sorcerer's Stone) and shooting scenes that would've been cut out and putting them on the DVD's. I'm frankly surprised/disappointed that Rowling who had strict control over the movies didn't encourage them to do so.
As much as I hate it when they butcher books for movies...I have to be devil's advocate here. I love the Half-Blood Prince book, as well as all of the others that got cut, but seriously.......if they hadn't hacked them up, they would have been 6 hour movies. I mean, they picked some things to cut early and had to make adjustments to make it all make sense. And then throughout the series, they cut some little subplots and nuances to save time.

Though I don't like it....I can definatley see the reasons and I REALLY don't want to sit through a 6 hour Harry Potter, so I'm kind of glad they do make these choices.
This will give me time to re-read the books. I will still look forward to the movies but sooner would have been better!
Jeesh. My kids will lose interest by next summer

Yeah, I'm having similar thoughts...the last book's been out for a while and they're moving on to other things (e.g., my daughter is excited about the upcoming "Twilight" movie).
I'm just not as anxious for the last few films. The final book was a big let down as far as I was concerned. Why draw the last book out into two films?

I'm just not as anxious for the last few films. The final book was a big let down as far as I was concerned. Why draw the last book out into two films?


I liked it. I thought the books got better and better. The last was the best. A very well-done story arc.
I enjoyed them as well. I got hooked after about the 3rd book and then couldn't stop reading the rest.
I liked it. I thought the books got better and better. The last was the best. A very well-done story arc.

I was hugely disappointed in "The Deathly Hallows". It seemed like the introduction of the Hallows was very tacked on, with no antecedents in the story, and was a left turn from the Horcruxes introduced in book 6. It seemed like she just came up with it that book. It felt like a clumsy "Ah ha!" kind of moment, a moment that just by chance made Harry master of the Deathstick by beating Malfoy. Also, the book had way too much wandering around in the forest, and an extremely improbable event advanced the story from that point. Come on, you are wandering the woods, and you just happen to wander up to the right people at the right time to hear just the right conversation?