

MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
N.C. Ohio
When you get to 10K does that mean you have reached Great Grandmaster status?
I think I get reset to 0 posts--you know, a Y2K sort of thing.

Hey Kaith, does the first customer to make 10000 posts win something?
Originally posted by arnisador
I think I get reset to 0 posts--you know, a Y2K sort of thing.

:eek: Not the Y2K thing again.:rofl:

Hey Kaith, does the first customer to make 10000 posts win something?

Maybe you should get one of those red and white blocked belts or something.
He can be the first inductee to the MartialTalk hall of whatever
being awaded the title, Supreem Grand Typest of MT, for spending more time on the net than anything else
That and a torn tshirt well sweat stained:rofl:
I was listening to NPR last week...the Canadian show, "As It Happens," was discussing the worst music ever recorded...for an hour, as I drove home, those cruel so-and-sos played phone messages from Canadians offering their nominations....about, literally, fourteen of them...

The choice?

Shatner. Singing, "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds."

Then the bastards played the song. I sat in my driveway, giggling helplessly, feeling the warm feeling of my brains leaking out my ears...

It's twue. There are things Man Was Not Meant to Know.
Actually, tune in tomorow and you should see the 'surprise'. :)

I'm not totally happy with it, yet it will do for now. :)
Heh...25 more posts to go and we get to see what happens when someone hits the big 10k limit.

Will it reset to zero and he again begomes a white belt?

Will there be an earth shattering kaboom?

Will he get the bill for this months hosting in the mail?

Tune in shortly for the answers in the next episode of, SOUP!
I know the secret!

I know the secret!

*** OUCH ***

Kaith that hurt!

I'll be quiet!
