Are there any other *Tracy* Kenpoists in here?


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
I am feeling extremely outnumbered by our EPAK counterparts - so, who practices tracy's kenpo, besides me?
Its OK Samantha, you aren't alone. :D There are a couple more of us out here.

I'm learning EPAK but the owner of my dojo is actually a Tracy guy. He changed the curriculim and once you reach black, you start in on the Tracy stuff. We have 1 black belt instructor that is learning it now.
I would be in the Tracys group as well... but have alittle EPAK as well
Twin-Dragon Kenpo-Karate, Tracy Style!

*also has a bad habbit of mispelling "Tracy" as "Tracey". . . grumbles*
Yeah, my kenpo is also of the Tracy variety.
I guess it's just me, but I still have just a little trouble making an overall, catagorical difference between what the Tracy brothers kept (what they learned from EP) and have taught vs what AK is, seeing it all comes from the same source(s) originally. In other words I have trouble seeing it as "Tracy stuff" vs "AK stuff" when one simply points to the other. Maybe saying it that way will get me in trouble. Having said all that, I'm from the Pre AK/Got More Moves In The Technique/Chinese Kenpo/"Tracy Variety" era, so I'm in your group, young lady (no disrespect meant: everybody's younger than me). :)

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