Anyone seen this book???


Green Belt
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
north of boston
I just stumbled across a book online... Martial Arts of the World by Thomas A Green .. published by ABC-CLIO inc...
the description listed is:
"Did you know that the martial arts include such former Western pursuits as dueling, gunfighting, and gladiatorial combat? Nearly 100 articles by scholars discuss specific martial arts, countries, and concepts such as religion and spiritual development common to martial arts traditions of the world. Definitions of unfamiliar terms and an index that notes the historical figures and classic texts dicussed within articles help to make this set a scholarly corrective in an area often informed by the movies."

I am really curious to know what justifies the $184 price tag on the book!!! Thats the CHEAPEST i could find it for... some sites sell it for more than $200!!!
I would love to know some of the specific article topics it contains, and who wrote them.

Does anybody know anything more about this thing?
It's considered an encyclopedia. That's why they can charge so much for it. (It does come in 2 volumes.)

My university's library has a copy of it in their general reference section. I've looked it over before, and it has a shiznit load of information on just about every martial art I could think and plenty I'd never heard of. Some good info. on Tae'kyon for those who want to know how it relates to TKD.

Hey, ya wanna know something cool? Our Martial Talk friend, Phil Dunlap, is mentioned in the article on Thaing. Go Phil!
Originally posted by grimfang
I am really curious to know what justifies the $184 price tag on the book!!! Thats the CHEAPEST i could find it for... some sites sell it for more than $200!!!

Here in Australia, we have a Kung Fu Master, who charges by weight for his books. One of his books weighs 1/2 a kilogram, and so he is charging $500 for it. $1.00 per gram.
Weigh the book, and figure out how much per gram or pound.
