Anyone see Terminator 3 yet?



I saw it earlier today...good movie. I won't spoil it for anyone, but it's got an unexpected ending.

I highly suggest it!!

oops just saw i posted this is the wrong section...
Originally posted by Seig
Terminator 2 negated Terminator 1 so that neither really happened, how do they justify a 3?:confused:

lol....i saw it, and i don't think they actually ever do if you ask me. plot holes galore, and tons of goofy one-liners and scenes with really bad humor.

but's an arnold movie for sure. tons of action and some good effects. i had a good time watching it.
I liked it. Was it kinda Holey? Yeah... was it overly goofy at times? Yeah

It was cool as heck tho.
It really was a good ride of a movie. Everybody is talking about 'Plot Holes' ... I didn't see any plot holes ... It is Science Fiction ... we're supposed to suspend a certain level of disbelief.

Seems there was a Star Trek thread around this site that scared even me ( a life long trekker ) with the knowledge that some of you have concerning that series. And we were talking about it like it was real ... Sub-Space Doesn't Exist! ...

Nor do 'Terminators' .. but boy, it sure was a fun movie.


I haven't seen it yet, but I really really want to!!!
I am sure I will see it soon...maybe when the weather cools down and I don't have tons of work to do outside. :(
I saw it in a double feature with the Hulk. I thought T3 was alright for an action flick, but it felt like it was so fast paced that it was over in 30 min. I guess its just a perception thing. Meanwhile the Hulk felt like it was 3 hrs. long. I think T3 had a ton of holes, but time travel movies are always hard to keep track of. :armed:

I would personally like to see Arnold do a new Conan movie with Conan in his elder "King" years. I think it would be believable considering how much he has aged since the other movies. :knight:
well yes in a way T2 should have been the end... however T3 relies on the point that no matter what you do you cant change the future... so instead of a private company using the past terminators to create skynet... a top secert military weapons disgn group comes up with it and the first line of terminators... so here comes arnold to save the day again lol... as for conan i have heard rumors that that is in the works... but i dont see how if he is planning to run for govenor
Originally posted by Seig
Terminator 2 negated Terminator 1 so that neither really happened, how do they justify a 3?:confused:

No kidding you think they could come up with a better storyline instead of copying T2 all over again with a feminist view this time. I wanted it to be as good as T2 so bad it ended up being a joke... I mean its apnosphere was nothing compared to T2, sorry John Patrick was the best foe...

"Terminatrix" - Yawn ZZZZZzzzzzZzzzZZzzz

Arnie really needed a smash hit after his last 10 box office disasters..
Originally posted by TKDman

Arnie really needed a smash hit after his last 10 box office disasters..

$87,000,000 in 9 days...
I'd say he's well on his way to having one :)
Originally posted by OULobo

I would personally like to see Arnold do a new Conan movie with Conan in his elder "King" years.

Totaly... King Conan with his son Conn... That has the makings of a phenominal movie... of course, would it SELL???
I thought T3 was rubbish. It should never have been made; a decrepit Arnie and totally obvious storyline. Linda Hamilton thought so, too, which is why she wasn't in it.
I was terribly disappointed.
For me, T3 certainly doesn't match T1 but i enjoyed it.
Its just entertainment for me. I don't dig too deep and analyze it. just cheap entertainment! Arnold looked pretty awesome for 56 years old.
Originally posted by stickarts
Arnold looked pretty awesome for 56 years old.
That was just camera angles. He's got quite a belly on him these days.
This is now at a second-run theatre near us and my wife and son and I would like to see it. Is it appropriate for our nine year old daughter? She's mature for her age, and would like to go, but we aren't sure if it's a good idea.

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