Any Gamers Out There


Brown Belt
Jun 13, 2004
Reaction score
So who all plays games on their PC.

I have played all kinds of them but am interested in what others play

Diablo & Diablo 2
The Sims (with a bunch of the expansion packs)
Warcraft 2 and 3
Age of Mythology

....these are just a few.
I like Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield Vietnam. Also Rise of Nations. I heard there is a new expansion pack for RON that's worth checking out.
I love gaming, but it takes time that I need for other things like training, working, and the huge task list that comes with having a wife, house, and three cats.
I'm starting to sound like my dad.
I'm interested in DOOM3 and the new Half Life.
I'll be checking them out for sure.
I think the easier question would be who here doesn't game.

I play a little XBox, but most of my games are on PC. Recently I've been playing:

Deus Ex II
Max Payne 2
Day of Duty
Armed and Dangerous
Speaking of Xbox anyone here know about the new "Jade Empire" game coming out soon?:idunno:
white mantis said:
Speaking of Xbox anyone here know about the new "Jade Empire" game coming out soon?:idunno:

That's the new asian themed Biowares game, right? I haven't heard anything, but the website looks reaaly cool.
OULobo said:
That's the new asian themed Biowares game, right? I haven't heard anything, but the website looks reaaly cool.
That's the one, I'm very excited about it because it's suppossed to be based on mythical china which should be great for us CMA martial artistes. If anyone wants some info on it check out and hit "Jade Empire".
I also am interested in playing Doom 3. That is if they go back on their original plan. They weren't going to make it online compatible. Which sucks. The original doom games I played modem to modem all the time. (that was back in the day)

I usually like playing games online that are free. I have never payed anything that you have to pay for like Everquest etc. For two reasons, I don't have any money, and I don't think you should have to pay for online gaming.

I play Half-life TFC mod and DOD mod. I also like Star Wars Galaxies.
I'm playing through FarCry right now and also play Eve-Online. I'm a bit of a gaming junky, though I try to limit it to no more than an hour or two a day.
qizmoduis said:
I'm playing through FarCry right now and also play Eve-Online. I'm a bit of a gaming junky, though I try to limit it to no more than an hour or two a day.

I had FarCry for a day, but appearently my vid card won't run it. The game ran, but the backgrounds and interacting elements were digitized blurry messes. I gave up.
I heard Far Cry was beautiful if your box can handle it. I got a demo with an issue of PC Gamer, but haven't played it - I also read that the AI on the game was fantastic, really sneaky. What's the word? Is it worth buying?
captnigh said:
I heard Far Cry was beautiful if your box can handle it. I got a demo with an issue of PC Gamer, but haven't played it - I also read that the AI on the game was fantastic, really sneaky. What's the word? Is it worth buying?

It's beautiful on my machine, and I don't have a high-end machine anymore. It's worth buying if you're into FPSs. It can get pretty tough. The AI is quite good, but sometimes idiotic.

The late-game, though, is very difficult. I haven't finished yet, but I haven't reached the end of my rather short game attention span, so I probably will finish it by next week.
I play mainly PC games.

BF1942 and mods for years. Recently started playing City of Heroes.
hmmm.. games... :)

City of Heroes

Starcraft (still one of my favorites)
Warcraft III
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge

Jedi Academy

Yes... thank you... I'm a geek.... :asian:
I mainly play FPS games online...Counter-strike, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat, Quake 3, UT2K4.

Used to do the MU* thing, but not enough time.

I don't do MMORPGs...I don't believe in continuiing to pay for a game I bought at a store.
