Another Planas seminar


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
Reaction score
N.C. Ohio
planned for this friday and saturday. Anyone planning on attening either seminar here in Mentor, Ohio? I'll be attending on saturday only though.
The current issue of Budo International magazine (#10) has a brief set of Kenpo techniques performed by Huk Planas.
Interesting. I wonder if I can find that magazine around here somewhere.
Does Mr. Planas have a schedule of his seminars listed anywhere on the web? Does he ever get to Utah? Or maybe Las Vegas?
Look at his website. It appears that he is booked into 2004 every weekend somewhere.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
planned for this friday and saturday. Anyone planning on attening either seminar here in Mentor, Ohio? I'll be attending on saturday only though.

How'd it go?
It went extremely well. I took more notes than I had originally thought. It's taken a while but I thought I'd had it up here by now. We had only covered 6 techniques in the alotted time. Hence the reason for all of the notes.:D
That's pretty cool. If they only went through 6 techniques, he really must of went into some awesome depth. I've never seen him in person, but from what I've seen in print and what I've heard, Planas is one heck of a technician.

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