All it takes is one hit

My sensei says "If you have to hit somebody, kill them."

Followed by "If you're not comfortable that you're justified in killing them, you're not justified in hitting them either."

Case in point. I can't imagine what it must be like for the girl, both must be awful.

Excellent point, and also a very sad situation. Once we decide to take action we can never perceive out come.
My sensei says "If you have to hit somebody, kill them."

Followed by "If you're not comfortable that you're justified in killing them, you're not justified in hitting them either."

Case in point. I can't imagine what it must be like for the girl, both must be awful.

I've read this a couple of times and while I concur with the analogy of what your Sensei is saying, in my own view, I think the words are being construde here with a different meaning or not all encompassing as to what is meant by these statements and for the folks who might not be as far along as some, these statements can be very mis-leading.

Not trying to say it's wrong, just that some sayings or way of teaching can land the less experienced in court faster then not paying child support.

I would be very interested in the full meaning or teaching behind such statements.

As far as the girl, sure would like to know how she is feeling now to what extent has this changed her if it has at all? It's a shame no matter what.
My sensei says "If you have to hit somebody, kill them."

Followed by "If you're not comfortable that you're justified in killing them, you're not justified in hitting them either."

Case in point. I can't imagine what it must be like for the girl, both must be awful.

I see what your teacher means. I can't agree with him. Of course you should be prepared for the consequences of your actions. But if you goal in any physical encounter is to kill you are a menace to society. There are appropriate and inappropriate levels of force. Things can go tragically wrong as in this case. But there are times when it's absolutely the right thing to use less than lethal force. If something bad and unexpected happens you will have to deal with it. That shouldn't stop you from using less drastic measures when they will serve.