Alien Visitors - Bunkum or Truth?


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England

I came across this article whilst doing a bit of research on Tesla (some wacky things associated with that particular genius I have to say :D).

I was tempted to be a bit dismissive of it until I noted that some fairly 'weighty' names in the list of those reckoning that there is not only definitely 'something out there' but something that has come along, parked and had a picnic.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
one the one hand, seems arrogant to believe that we are the only smart things floating in space...
on the other hand...of all the specs of dust in space, why come here? (then again, why spec of dust is a good as the other)


Purple Belt
Jan 15, 2010
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Roswell? no.
Lets see, what is required to travel from a seperate solar system to this one (within an acceptable timeframe to make it worthwhile that is), lets start with mastering the speed of light.
OK, why would a craft crash here?

Thats just not logical. We have established that the requirements to get here are extraordinary, so it is not only foolish to believe that some kind of "rogue two seater" lol crashed here, but it is even more foolish to conceive of it aswell.
Lets just say that if you have mastered the speed of light, your not going to crash or get shot down or get lost and so on. Just not a logical train of thought going on there at all. If you are that advanced, then every step would be a measured one, no mistakes.
Just that alone sticks roswell back into its b movie shelf, or in this case as it is yet another book promotion, the fiction section of the library.

Actually you know what they say, truth is stranger than fiction lol, what do we have here,
Von Braun - an ex nazi party member, who was the other rocket fella Jack Parsons - an alleged occultist under crowley wasnt he lol. Parsons Associated with ron hubbard at some stage aswell, i think hubbard swindled him out of thousands of dollars while he was out of it on drugs of some sort.. I dont think hubbard had hatched the dianetics scheme just yet!
wow, maybe reptilians crashing (we may as well say) directly into a secret hangar isnt too far out after all haha.

No, we are quite alone out here in the edge of the milky way galaxy. Mind you, it is also only logical that there is life somewhere else, within the milky way galaxy and beyond. But frankly, there is no logical reason whatsoever to try to land or even communicate with the "planet of the apes :)
The comparison would be something like walking into the Crocodile enclosure at a zoo, trying to communicate with the crocs and somehow expecting to walk out in one piece!

Here's a frightening thought, imagine they have religion, something like ours.. Something that tells them that they are superior, created in gods image, that god created it all to serve them, feed them, the whole universe.... Yeah, so they land and deduce that we are in fact below them, like a sheep or a cow you get the picture? They run us through our own abattoir's with a smile on their faces cos you know, we are just meat. We would protest and sound no different to the other animals to them.. No hard feelings though, its just the same way we turn off when we slaughter.. Just joking, sort of.

Yeah, we are still at that stage - the planet of the apes lol, so, logic dictates that it has not and will not happen in the near future, that is, this ufo stuff :)

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