Alcohol Warning Labels

do i ever think?

...DON'T answer that! rhetorical question!
bah. :shrug:

what company has those twin label bottles? some of those are amusing.
*Prints out new Alcohol warning label*

Do Not ingest if you're a MMA Groupie.. cuz it's gonna get you into trouble whether you like it or not*

*Instead .. just dab it behind your ears and act as you normally would.. cuz you'll be acting drunk to anyone around you*
Originally posted by Technopunk
Can you? Yes, Would you REALLY want to? No clearly Not.

How about this? You let me decide. If I decide I really want you, I keep you. If I decide I really don't want you, I give you back. Sound good?
Originally posted by edhead2000
How about this? You let me decide. If I decide I really want you, I keep you. If I decide I really don't want you, I give you back. Sound good?

Story of my life latley...
Originally posted by Technopunk
Story of my life latley...

You are so freaking pessimistic! jeez, it's a shame that such a hottie can be so sad. :(
yes! pessimism doesn't work for hot guys! change yer attitude!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
yes! pessimism doesn't work for hot guys! change yer attitude!

I gots me "The recently dumped blues"

Cant help myself.
Originally posted by Technopunk
I gots me "The recently dumped blues"

Cant help myself.

That's why you need me!!! I can help!! *hugs*
No problem. If you ever need to talk, just send me an email or IM :) I'll listen.
Originally posted by Technopunk
I gots me "The recently dumped blues"

Cant help myself.
Dude, you weren't "dumped"... the relationship was restructured and you were part of the outsourcing group.;) Think of every thing you couldn't do while in the relationship and go out and do it. I've been through a divorce that I could do nothing to stop and it was hell.... until I started thinking about the things I could do and the lack of restrictions on me. You've got friends here, give us a PM if'n ya need us.
Originally posted by theletch1
Dude, you weren't "dumped"... the relationship was restructured and you were part of the outsourcing group.;) Think of every thing you couldn't do while in the relationship and go out and do it. I've been through a divorce that I could do nothing to stop and it was hell.... until I started thinking about the things I could do and the lack of restrictions on me. You've got friends here, give us a PM if'n ya need us.

Sometimes I get the feeling that all you guys are anti-female...........hehe.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
*Instead .. just dab it behind your ears and act as you normally would.. cuz you'll be acting drunk to anyone around you*

why in the world would I need to dab it behind my ears when people'll be able to detect it eminating from my breath...:rofl:
Duh.. Hence the "Instead" *rolls owls and Pokes you..

In easier terms to understand.. none of us need anything alcoholic to drink.. we're all rather whacked as it tis..

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