Alcohol Warning Labels

Well then you can't have him! Technopunk is mine! :) woo hoo, he's a hottie!
Originally posted by edhead2000
Well then you can't have him! Technopunk is mine! :) woo hoo, he's a hottie!


Originally posted by TheRustyOne
Can we share?

Originally posted by edhead2000
No, he might like that too much! Besides, you have your own!

Sorry. I am not that kind of boy. 1 woman is plenty for me at any given time.
Ya never know, man...she might....

...there shoulda be a warning label on my roommate's Jack the other she wouldn't get so damn upset cuz Mary helped roommate might try to deck her...
Originally posted by Seig
with bald tires?

tis long as the pavement is dry....if it's raining or there's some type of precipitation on the road...forget about it...not really called a turn then...more like a power slide...
no, kinda like your *** end wants to go before the front of the car and they're trying to decide who's goin' first...
sounds fun...till ya hit a ditch....or a tree...
i've ALMOST hit a ditch that's like 4 feet deep...stupid idiot SUV drivers who come around dangerous turns w/ high-beams in the rain. and idiot maryland who can't put bloody guard rails next to a ditch that deep!

...did hit a post or a tree last year on Weinbrenners, tho...coming back from taking my friend Timmie down to rt. 11 from Harpers Ferry. Me thought I'd be fine going really slow in the snow down that road. NOPE!

but the riceburner was unharmed! *grin*

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