Add Killing Into Bio?

Adding a kill into a personal bio?

  • I find nothing wrong with doing this.

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • This should not be done.

    Votes: 43 75.4%
  • It should be done as a fact of history only.

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • I don't care either way.

    Votes: 8 14.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I knew this jerk off that was a Director of Security of a police agency that believed that he was a "10" because he had killed..
I'd say that anyone who publicizes having killed as measure of their own greatness is likely very disturbed, and will attract other disturbed individuals. Anyone who genuinely cherishes human life would be loath to promote such an event.
i will quote my teacher on this one " anyone can end a disagreement or conflict with violence, the true martial artist ends one with none, or if that is imposible then as little as possible" ... you ony become great by learning to heal!!!
I rode with some bad cats back in the day that worked for elite military units and many of them were hesitant to talk about killing...

Thats something that gets discussed in the book On Killing alot. The more "wet work" that someone had to do involving killing, the less likely they were to talk about it, and the more serious traumatic effects it has on them. Whereas the individuals who were distanced from it somehow, eg they didn't even really have to time to register the target was human, just point, shoot, move and something falls, or else killing from a distance where the enemy is just a blurry figure, came away "relatively" psychologically unscathed from it, and had less reservations speaking of it.
Then of course there's the 2% of individuals who are classed as socio-paths, who lack the normal human reservations towards killing.
Even then its apparently more something you just do, not a bid deal.
So braggers most likely are making it up, or try to be proud of it so they don't have to be guilty.
Mind you, there are times when it's appropriate. When I'm trying to chat up the lady frogs, my tales as a mighty hunter - flies, mice, small birds, even garter snakes - are almost as good as a deep croak.
Not unless it's strictly and only because the "War story" Is told in its historical context to illustrate a specific technique and how it is supposed to work.(i.e. This is what happened to me, here's how I did it, here's how terrible it felt, or it was done in days gone by and these were the workings of it..." kind of things)

My two cents: I think that I understand what Andy is saying, but even a "War story" stating only the facts can still, in a subtle way, be interpreted as glorifying the act. It has to do with how the human mind processes information. I could get into the mechanics of that, but that would make for a VERY long post.
My two cents: I think that I understand what Andy is saying, but even a "War story" stating only the facts can still, in a subtle way, be interpreted as glorifying the act. It has to do with how the human mind processes information. I could get into the mechanics of that, but that would make for a VERY long post.

Right-I'm only talking about addressing it in purely surgical, clinical terms should the need arise to make a relevant technical point, or to illustrate what to expect of your body following an adrenaline rush during combat.

At no time and in no way do I condone its use as "pissing contest" material, I'm sorry if that wasn't clear from the outset.
You folks are absolutely correct. In the thread I started a few days ago about being attacked in my front yard it eventually got suggested to buy a gun.

I responded with the aspect that I was a combat vet from the USMC. IMO, I find a true warrior does all possible not to terminate a life.

Well said, fellow vet. :asian:
I don't think that is anything to be bragging about. Taking a life is not something to celebrate (whether the person is right or wrong). IMO, putting that in a bio is probably a good sign of a mental illness. ;)

Absolutely! 'Confirmed kills' has always struck me as a twisted attempt to affirm one's own sense of worth.
It seems to me that if someone is hell-bent on killing you (or your family or friends...) then going out of your way to NOT kill them is the greater measure of your martial abilities, and dedication to humanity.

Now thats not to say that there arent times when bad things just have to happen (if it comes down to a "me or him" situation, im gonna try my darndest to make sure its me that goes home that night), when confronted by a group of angry weapon toting individuals that mean harm to you and yours then by all means dont hold back if there is ANY doubt of your abilities to first and foremost ESCAPE (!!!) the situation, disarm the situation verbally, or use less than lethal force to stop an attack. (historically ive used the verbal method to disarm situations, and i cross my fingers that that way will always work for me when i need it to)

Now to find yourself in one of these situations, and take a life. The last thing a moral mind would do is brag about it anywhere, anytime. Thats just a sign of deep rooted problems.

So i guess i took the long way to say my vote is for "This should not be done."
Being able to disable someone and protect yourself while only using what force is necessary is more of a skill than just killing someone if it's not absolutely necessary. Any fool with a gun can do that.

No better illustration of that than this video that Empty Hands found of Ed Parker doing technique demos - scroll to 5:31, right by the end.
I think that it is insane to be bragging about killing someone. The taking of a life is not something to be proud of. I am in agreement with everyone that has stated, that a truly skillful individual should stride to prevent the taking of a life. If we are all going to start bragging about how many lives we take, then I could see us reverting back to a more feudal lifestyle. I am not saying it was all bad, but it was, for the most part, not good. We should be the ones striving to preserve life and not be in such a hurry to exterminate it. JMHO.
How does that saying go? Those that do don't talk, and those who talk don't do. Bragging on something like this is insane.

And unless the person is in law enforcement or the military where violent conflict is a daily possibility, I would look at this and wonder what the hell they were doing wrong that they were getting involved in so many life-or-death situations.
I think that it is insane to be bragging about killing someone

Not quiite in the MA world, if you follow.

There are always arguments abuot "my art/training/style/etc" is effective for real word situations, and yours is not" That's a bit simplistic but you can see it on this message boards when people get in arguments about MMA vs TMA or Mut Thai vs Taekwondo or whatever. Everyone wants their art or training to be useful and effective. You even see it in discussions of "such and such a technique wouldn't really work against a resisting opponent" and the response of "I used such-and-such a technique once against this guy who...." Bragging about haviong killed someone, or your instructor having killed someone, is just the ultimate form of that argument.If your instructor has kileld someone using their art, then one can say that the art is effective. If you have killed someone, then you can say that your training can be applied in real world situations.

It's pretty sick to be proud of ending someone else's life, but in the one-upmanship and ego of martial arts, it makes sense that one would make that claim if they could
I've just posted a couple musings on the subject in another thread entitled "Yes Stevie, but can he fight?" It seemed out of place in this discussion.
Anybody, under the right circumstances, can kill somebody else. Martial arts don't necessarily make you more lethal. What was it... Fist of Legend? There was a quote from there, the older gent fighting Jet Li's character: "Martial arts is about well being. If you want to kill someone, kid, use a gun."

I'm guessing it's supposed to impress... someone.

What would impress me is, leaving someone alive and well who had been trying to kill you- while also leaving them utterly terrified at the thought of facing you again.

That takes skill.

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