AAU and the Kukkiwon


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Looks like the AAU is making a move to partner with the KKW for poom/Dan ranks plus being able to host instructor courses over here in America.I can onlyimagine how pissed the USAT is.
along with every other Org, who was given "exclusive rights"...
how have you been terry? i havent been here in a while, and noticed you havent either. All good?
how have you been terry? i havent been here in a while, and noticed you havent either. All good?

I have had alot of health issue, knee surgery on the 20th and had a stent replace in one of my valves to my heart a few weeks ago. How about you everything ok?
sorry to hear that. I hope you recover quicklyand all goes well. as for me... MAJOR life changes but all good. I'll PM you.
I always find the topic of American orgs ability to issue kkw certificates interesting. Either way it will make no difference to me nor should it to any tkd school in the USA. After testing I go online and submit names, pictures and birthdays. It takes about a month and I get the certs directly from the kkw. Why would I want a middle man?
If you are a fourth dan or higher and have passed the FIC then you can do it this way.
I always find the topic of American orgs ability to issue kkw certificates interesting. Either way it will make no difference to me nor should it to any tkd school in the USA. After testing I go online and submit names, pictures and birthdays. It takes about a month and I get the certs directly from the kkw. Why would I want a middle man?
If you are a fourth dan or higher and have passed the FIC then you can do it this way.


but i think some are enticed by the "discount". :shrug:
I always find the topic of American orgs ability to issue kkw certificates interesting. Either way it will make no difference to me nor should it to any tkd school in the USA. After testing I go online and submit names, pictures and birthdays. It takes about a month and I get the certs directly from the kkw. Why would I want a middle man?
If you are a fourth dan or higher and have passed the FIC then you can do it this way.

Even if you haven't passed the FIC then you can do it this way. All it takes is a 4th Dan or above and an application (free) to join KMS.
I always find the topic of American orgs ability to issue kkw certificates interesting. Either way it will make no difference to me nor should it to any tkd school in the USA. After testing I go online and submit names, pictures and birthdays. It takes about a month and I get the certs directly from the kkw. Why would I want a middle man?
If you are a fourth dan or higher and have passed the FIC then you can do it this way.

It depends or not on whether you want to assist American athletes to compete in Taekwondo.

If you process directly through the Kukkiwon, all the promotion fees go to Korea, and some of that supports the KTA and the development of the Korean National Team.

If you process through USAT or AAU, up to half of those promotion fees can go to the support of the development of Taekwondo in the United States and assist in promoting the aspirations of American (British, French, Australian, etc) Taekwondo athletes.

By using that system it is an opportunity to support the students you train, or may train in the future. If not, it is an opportunity to support someone else's students in a different country.

The choice simply depends on your attitude toward your students, athletes, future athletes, and other fellow Americans who aspire to achieve success in competitive Taekwondo.

-- Bagehot
If you process directly through the Kukkiwon, all the promotion fees go to Korea, and some of that supports the KTA and the development of the Korean National Team.

That was your argument for starting up the USTU dan certification program, wherein 100% of the proceeds of dan/poom certification fees went directly to USTU, instead of just half. Problem was, no one wants a USTU or USAT dan certificate.

Also, given the large volume of Kukkiwon poom and dan certifications processed by the KTA, compared to all other countries combined, a more truthful statement is that Korea supports athletes worldwide, instead of the other way around. That's because the Kukkiwon donates approximately $1 million per year to the WTF, who in turn uses at least some of that money to run programs such as the WTF Peace Corps, which sends instructors trained by and in Korea, to other countries worldwide. Korea and the KTA do much more for the Kukkiwon and WTF than all the other countries combined. Just look at the Kukkiwon promotion numbers.

But you have a point, in that Kukkiwon poom and dan recommendations that go through USAT does help to support US athletes, in that 50% of the test fee is kept by USAT. If everyone in the US went through USAT, then Korea's and the KTA contribution towards development of taekwondo athletes would be that much higher than it already is.
Also, given the large volume of Kukkiwon poom and dan certifications processed by the KTA, compared to all other countries combined, a more truthful statement is that Korea supports athletes worldwide, instead of the other way around. That's because the Kukkiwon donates approximately $1 million per year to the WTF, who in turn uses at least some of that money to run programs such as the WTF Peace Corps, which sends instructors trained by and in Korea, to other countries worldwide. Korea and the KTA do much more for the Kukkiwon and WTF than all the other countries combined. Just look at the Kukkiwon promotion numbers.

$1 Million is a pretty cheap way for the Kukkiwon to keep the Dan requirement through the WTF, considering, as you point out, the huge numbers of promotions and the total dollars involved.

As it is, that contribution represents, depending on which number of practitioners the WTF says that it represents, somewhere between 2.5 cents and 5 cents for each such practitioner while expecting, ultimately, from each such practitioner promotion fees ranging from $70 and up. It is a real bargain for the rest of the world [sarc].

The USTU "split" of such fees was contributing $13 dollars or more for each USTU member, or $25,000 for each national team member. Even at that split, that left a similar amount, from the United States alone, that went to support non-WTF activities of the Kukkiwon including its avowed mission to support the Korea Taekwondo Association and the success of the Korean National Team.

Multiply that by the number of national federations. No National Team can compete financially with that, subsidizing as they are compelled to do, their primary international competitor.

-- Bagehot
$1 Million is a pretty cheap way for the Kukkiwon to keep the Dan requirement through the WTF, considering, as you point out, the huge numbers of promotions and the total dollars involved.

Kukkiwon, WTF, and taekwondoin all benefit from having Kukkiwon process poom and dan certification. The deal is much better than your USTU dan certification system, which has produced almost no revenue for USAT or american taekwondo athletes. Which do you prefer, 100% of nothing under your USAT dan certification program, or 50% of something using the much more desired Kukkiwon system?

As it is, that contribution represents, depending on which number of practitioners the WTF says that it represents, somewhere between 2.5 cents and 5 cents for each such practitioner while expecting, ultimately, from each such practitioner promotion fees ranging from $70 and up. It is a real bargain for the rest of the world [sarc].

Dividing $1 million by 70 taekwondoin worldwide isn't the proper measure; the proper measure would be determining total revenue generated by KTA members vs. the rest of the world to figure out the pro rata contribution of the KTA vs. the rest of the world towards that million. And judging by the numbers, Korea contributes much more to world wide development than any other country and in fact all other countries combined.

The USTU "split" of such fees was contributing $13 dollars or more for each USTU member, or $25,000 for each national team member.

Great, so Korea contributed to american taekwondo athlete development, through the Kukkiwon dan certification program. How much did your USAT dan certification program contribute to the development of american athletes?

Even at that split, that left a similar amount, from the United States alone, that went to support non-WTF activities of the Kukkiwon including its avowed mission to support the Korea Taekwondo Association and the success of the Korean National Team.

really? where is that stated? Here is the Kukkiwon's webpage on main businesses. No mention about Kukkiwon supporting the KTA or the Korean National Team. I do, however see


Multiply that by the number of national federations. No National Team can compete financially with thats
-- Bagehot

You lost me. I don't know what you are talking about.
Bagehot: Even at that split, that left a similar amount, from the United States alone, that went to support non-WTF activities of the Kukkiwon including its avowed mission to support the Korea Taekwondo Association and the success of the Korean National Team.

Glenn: really? where is that stated? Here is the Kukkiwon's webpage on main businesses. No mention about Kukkiwon supporting the KTA or the Korean National Team. I do, however see [Kukkiwon link].

You don't wear the "gosh I am pretending I am naive today" hat very well. As you know, the original Kukkiwon text specifically stating that its avowed goal included support for the Korea Taekwondo Association and the Korea National Team -- as befitting a Korean government entity -- was posted on your web net. You went nuts. A few months later, the Kukkiwon "changed" the English language version of its "Mission Statement."

Do you really believe that its mission changed?

-- Bagehot

aka Kim: You don't wear the "gosh I am pretending I am naive today" hat very well. As you know, the original Kukkiwon text specifically stating that its avowed goal included support for the Korea Taekwondo Association and the Korea National Team -- as befitting a Korean government entity -- was posted on your web net. You went nuts. A few months later, the Kukkiwon "changed" the English language version of its "Mission Statement."

Do you really believe that its mission changed? http://kukkiwon.or.kr/viewfront/eng/about/business1.jsp

I'm not wearing a naive hat; what I am is surprised that you haven't followed the Kukkiwon's development, and instead choose to operate under old assumptions. And I didn't go nuts. But yes, I believe you do not have an accurate picture of the Kukkiwon's current policy. The Kukkiwon is very focused on the international community. But then again, I've been to the Kukkiwon and/or met the Kukkiwon Presidents (including my own kwan jang) and their staff numerous times over the last few years. They have told me directly what their focus and policies are. I know them by name and they know me. Can you say the same thing? When was the last time you visited the Kukkiwon or had face to face interaction with a Kukkiwon staff member or leader? Are you speaking from personal experience or from something else?
This is getting interesting...Remember the AAU got the deal with KKW...This is just the begining for AAU...Another significant coop was the deal with MOOTO!!!

AAU is making connections in Korea!

USAT is being left in the dust...Glad to see Bagehot on MT!