A week with any EPK instructor alive.


Green Belt
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
Westlake Village, CA USA
If you could spend a week with any (living) Kenpo instructor, who would it be and why?

Before you make a quick decision, consider you would be spending more than just mat time with the instructor. You would also be hanging out together, all day, everyday and having all your meals together.

This would be a chance to really get to know the person, as well as his Kenpo.

I really enjoyed thinking about this, so I figured some of you would too.
So who would you pick then? You've known so many notable Kenpoists that You could easily claim this a reality.
If you could spend a week with any (living) Kenpo instructor, who would it be and why?

Before you make a quick decision, consider you would be spending more than just mat time with the instructor. You would also be hanging out together, all day, everyday and having all your meals together.

This would be a chance to really get to know the person, as well as his Kenpo.

I really enjoyed thinking about this, so I figured some of you would too.

Considering there are so many excellent ones out there, that is a tough decision. That being said, I would take a week with Doc. I know that both him, and his students that are members here, have given some very detailed explainations in their posts, regarding SL4 and how they execute the material. Seeing is believing IMO. I think it would be great to see SL4 live and in person. What better way to understand it. :)

Considering there are so many excellent ones out there, that is a tough decision. That being said, I would take a week with Doc. I know that both him, and his students that are members here, have given some very detailed explainations in their posts, regarding SL4 and how they execute the material. Seeing is believing IMO. I think it would be great to see SL4 live and in person. What better way to understand it. :)


Not to mention, Doc's own appreciation for food well-made would make the "eat with" part a good one.

So who would you pick then? You've known so many notable Kenpoists that You could easily claim this a reality.

I would like see a few responses before I say who I would spend a week with. Not that my choice would sway anyone else’s way of thinking, but I think my argument is pretty strong.

I will say that, although Doc is a great friend and my big brother in the art of Kenpo, I did not pick Doc as my choice. This is simply because I don’t teach Sub Level 4.

I only clarify this point, because most of you may think I would choose Doc right off and that may keep you from thinking about who else I think as highly of as I do Doc.

When I do disclose my choice it will surprise no one, least of all Doc.
I would like see a few responses before I say who I would spend a week with. Not that my choice would sway anyone else’s way of thinking, but I think my argument is pretty strong.

I will say that, although Doc is a great friend and my big brother in the art of Kenpo, I did not pick Doc as my choice. This is simply because I don’t teach Sub Level 4.

I only clarify this point, because most of you may think I would choose Doc right off and that may keep you from thinking about who else I think as highly of as I do Doc.

When I do disclose my choice it will surprise no one, least of all Doc.


Are you prepared for the people who might choose you? I know you shy from considering yourself one of the living dead from decades gone by, but you are clearly one of the few remaining on the planet today who can say, "Been there; done that" with respect to a training relationship & friendship with the old man. Perhaps thread drift, but...what would you share with the folks who attached to you for a week?


I have a blast with Vic Le Roux.

I'd love to spend a week with Chuck Sullivan, Doc Chap'el, Jerry Brooksher, or Steve LaBounty.
I'd like to spend time with Mr. Rich Hale though. He has a lot of knowledge and I'd like to pull out each possible nugget from him. The history, the insights, his thoughts, experience, and mat time.

I'd also like to spend time with Mr. Lee Wedlake. I understand his forms are awesome and I could learn how he does them. I'd like to delve deep into what makes Mr. Wedlake earn his reputation.

- Ceicei

My original intent is to put everyone on the spot and have them pick only one person and I really do not consider myself to be on the list.

The reason I wanted to suggest everyone pick only one person is to force them (as I did) to think about every facet of Kenpo they could think of and who may have the most to offer in all these areas.

I do thank you for the compliment, but compared to the instructor I have chosen, anyone picking me would be left wanting.
I'd also like to spend time with Mr. Lee Wedlake. I understand his forms are awesome and I could learn how he does them. I'd like to delve deep into what makes Mr. Wedlake earn his reputation.

- Ceicei


Lee is a very good choice. I have known Lee for more than 20 years and it has been a pleasure watching him progress to the pentacle of our art.

To say that Lee is very well written would be an understatement. His magazine articles and books are second to none.

His ability to convey knowledge through his intellectual approach to teaching is unsurpassed in today’s Kenpo.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Mr. Wedlake you can learn more about him at www.lwkarate.com
I hope to spend a week with Doc Chapel at some point when northern New England is covered in snow. ;)
Hummm. . . maybe I took myself off the list just a little too soon.

Nope, just checked with my wife and she said I took myself off the list just in time.


No sir, that's a bridge I won't cross.

Single gents though...are fair game. They have to like a gal with sticks and blades though... ;)
Mr. Planas.

Provided that week could be spent on some of the rivers in Alaska. We might end up doing more fishing than Kenpo.
Mr. Chuck Sullivan without a doubt. He has seen it all and done it all. On top of that he still seems to enjoy "doing" Kenpo. Just turning 75 this last week and I am sure he can defend himself quite well-LOL.

Big Pat
I'm still thinking and can't choose just one. I believe I would choose Doc Chapel to start to learn his basics. Pams and Bams make sense and I want to learn more. Lee Wedlake, Huk Planas and Steve LaBounty would also be great choices, I always learn a lot in just a few hours with them, just think of how much I might learn in a week. Frank Trejo would be a blast. This is just the short list Mr. Parker left us with a lot of remarkable instructors who would be well worth a week of instruction. I would also add Al McLuckie to that list. He is not a Kenpo practioner but a superb FMA/Systema stylist. He is a friend of Mr. Wedlakes and is very good at teaching Kenpo students. He also moves more like Mr. Parker than any Kenpo player that I've met. Everytime I spend time with Mr. McLuckie my Kenpo improves.

