A video that shows the true Power of kenpo

More martial arts schools should do this. Imagine the help that could be raised and the awareness broadened.
Kudos and more kudos to Bob White and his school/staff and their efforts.
I'm looking forward to this event. A great cause
. Very inspiring. I'm interested in getting involved this year in some capacity.
Thank you all for your replies to this video. Because of this video one of our blackbelts has already raised over $15,000 for these kids. I certainly appreciate all of the positive responses for this event. I want to emphasize that this is not about me. In a perfect world you do something for somebody and not draw attention to yourself. In this situation we are requesting the help of the local businesses and the kenpo community, so anonymity would not serve the purpose.
Thanks to all of you that have responded and to those of you that are planning to. Our goal is $50,000.
Bob White

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