A great Idea



Hey how about create a forum about Fighting Games? Its on the mood, and can be analized in a professional form, like which manuevers are correct, what can be implemented, and all stuff related to it.
Well, i think these games promote alot martial arts, so i think they deserve some tribute. What you think guys?
Great, thx for information! Ill visit there!
sounds fun....i would bite.

in the meantime you could post some threads in the locker room if you wanted about the topic...it's been done before.

i think Bob isn't going to be around for a little while so you'd have to wait a bit for a new forum to get started.
Originally posted by tarabos
i think Bob isn't going to be around for a little while so you'd have to wait a bit for a new forum to get started.

Cthulhu or I could do it without him but we would likely wait as a courtesy. We've discussed adding this as a subforum of The Locker Room but decided it would detract from this board's focus.

-MT Admin-