$3 and Climbing


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Jun 21, 2003
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I'm wondering if this is going to be the norm or if the prices will ever go down. Reading todays paper, it looks like Bush is ordering an investigation into price gouging, but I have to wonder if it'll do any good.

Is anyone making any changes into the way they travel? I heard of one woman who pawned her jewelery that she had to help her and her husband with the rising cost of gas. Not sure I'd go to that extent, but I can see how this takes a toll on some people.
Gas here in Winnipeg is around $4.00/ US Gallon. Scary.
Here in Texas it is an average of 2.92 a gallon pretty damm bad if you ask me. It is time for the horse and buggy again.
Easy fix... drop some of the gas taxes and relax the mixture requirements, at least for a little while until the oil problems stabalize. I doubt that will be seriously considered though... that would likely knock off a good 20-30 cents off the top, depending on where you are and what kind of mix is required...
Heh. We think this is high? Wait until the first bombs fall on Iran? ;)

Good God, I hope that doesn't happen.

Seriously, tensions with Iran are a large part of this. If those cool down, we can expect a possible temporary reduction.

Overall, though, the prices will continue to go up. Peak Oil is here!
During recent interviews with oil company execs they were asked some really hard questions that they had no answers to.

Like, since they are making record profits, do their still need the several billion dollars in continued government bail out money? - No answer

and, since they have all these billions in profits, shouldn't they maybe invest in new and upgraded refineries? - No Answer.

Of course, the new investigation will show no wrongdoing. After all, to do so would risk losing millions in campaign contributions to those investigating. Pity that we have so few real leaders amongst our so called 'leaders'.

Gas will hit $3.50 by end of summer. Expect $5-6 if they attack Iran as planned. I've seen some estimates of gas hitting over the $20/gal mark depending on situations.

Thank god we're researching hydrogen fuel cells. In 30 years we'll be ok. Never mind that bio-diesel is here, not, and can be produced for about 50 cents a gallon. Never mind that if lawmakers would require Detroit to raise fuel efficiency it can be easily done.
Henderson said:
Lisa....Is that $4.00 Canadian/U.S. gallon, or $4.00 USD/U.S. gallon?

I get about $3.70 US after doing some converting.... litres to gallons and CDN to US.
Bob Hubbard said:
Thank god we're researching hydrogen fuel cells. In 30 years we'll be ok. Never mind that bio-diesel is here, not, and can be produced for about 50 cents a gallon. Never mind that if lawmakers would require Detroit to raise fuel efficiency it can be easily done.

If gas hits $5 a gallon, it won't matter, Market forces will push detroit faster than a CAFE standard ever will. Of course, it may just push them off a cliff as SUV and large truck sales goes through the floor, along with our economy. Compacts will once again rule the road.
Running between 3.01 and 3.09 per gallon around me. It is definitelly hurting my wallet. I have no choice but to drive though, no public transportation to take me to work and often times have to drive to other places for work...What are ya gonna do...:idunno:
I don't know what the big deal is...I don't own a car anymore for just about that reason :D. Ok had to take that shot.

Seriously, the cost of gas is gonna be a wake up call for all those people that feel that cruising/short trips/non-necessary/just because driving will change very quickly. When the cost of gas hits 4 bucks..which I very much believe will happen in the next year at some point, not only will there be a major outcry for action but those lightbulbs of conservation will also. I had a modified japanese car for the longest time and could still get 35 miles a gallon. Some of the good ol' American rods are lucky to see 10 MPG...if they are lucky.

The best and greatest solution would be to import the micro's, compact and economy cars from the EU over here. Hell there are diesel Honda's that are getting 70+ miles per gallon now..non of that hybrid crap. It's all about the money, and until the people realize nobody is gonna do a thing until business's start closing from lack of employee's being able to get to work, shoppers to shop and lack of supplies from trucks...We will wake up.
The Oil companies are manipulating supply and demand to maximize profit. Scream all we want, we are still buying, so they dont give a ****. It has nothing to do with the ammount of oil in the ground or in the system....
Blotan Hunka said:
The Oil companies are manipulating supply and demand to maximize profit. Scream all we want, we are still buying, so they dont give a ****. It has nothing to do with the ammount of oil in the ground or in the system....

Manipulating supply? tell that to OPEC :) Tell that to the refineries that were running at full capacity before Katrina and are no longer at full capacity...

when oil prices go up, gas prices go up, as do profits... you work in a margin based on the price of oil. as price goes up, so do profits. I'm not suprised they are making record profits. Oil prices go down, so will their profits.
I don't know what everyone's complaining about. It's only a matter of time now before society collapses into anarchy, and we'll be free to roam the countryside in our souped-up cars, killing for a few gallons of gas.
And soon, we'll be farming pigs for methane ("Methane cometh from pig-****"). And we'll be branding criminals for killing said pigs for food. Change the name of my city to Bartertown, and replace the Mayor with Tina Turner.
Yep, soon I'll be leaving a trail of slain enemies and empty gas tanks across the country. People will shudder at the mention of my Great and Terrible Honda Civic. Of Death. Rawr.
I'm really hating the gas prices right about now. I drive all over the city most every day for my job (I'm a social worker), doing home and school visits. I usually have to gas up my car at least once a week - sometimes every five days. At $3/gallon (this is for the CHEAP 87 octane!), it costs me about $38 to fill up the tank. That's about $150/month on gas alone. Ouch.

<rant>Fine time for my agency to cut down the expense mileage from $0.48/mile to $0.445/mile. They better give us an increase for mileage if the gas prices continue to rise.</rant>
mrhnau said:
Manipulating supply? tell that to OPEC :) Tell that to the refineries that were running at full capacity before Katrina and are no longer at full capacity...

when oil prices go up, gas prices go up, as do profits... you work in a margin based on the price of oil. as price goes up, so do profits. I'm not suprised they are making record profits. Oil prices go down, so will their profits.

America is indeed facing an energy crunch. For much of the year, gas prices have soared and supply has trailed demand.

The oil industry and its allies would have the public believe that insufficient refining capacity, restrictive environmental standards, growing gasoline demand and OPEC production cutbacks are the primary reasons for the current oil and gas supply problem.

However, the record shows ... that there is more to the story. Specifically, documentes suggest that major oil companies pursued efforts to curtail refinery capacity as a strategy for imporving profit margins; that compete oil companies worked together to subvert supply; that refinery closures inhibited supply; and that oil companies are reaping record profits, yet may benefit from a proposed national energy policy that owuld offer financial incentives to expand refinery capacity.
Kreth said:
I don't know what everyone's complaining about. It's only a matter of time now before society collapses into anarchy, and we'll be free to roam the countryside in our souped-up cars, killing for a few gallons of gas.

"Two Men enter, one Man leaves!"
"Two Men enter, one Man leaves!"
"Two Men enter, one Man leaves!"