2008 Vice Presidential Debate - Who Won?

2008 Vice Presidential Debate - Who Won?

  • Joe Biden

  • Sarah Palin

  • Neither - Was a tie

  • Other - Please post

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My take on this was that Biden was cool, prepared, and made minimal errors. I do believe he broke up once when refering to his late wife/child.

Palin looked to be over her head. To me, she came across as condencending in her attempts to be "folksy". Her replies rambled, and often skipped right over the core questions. Her anti-gay stance here I think hurt her.

Winner: Biden.

I would have preferred to see another 30 minutes tacked on and 1-2 of the 3rd party candidates included for a more debateful debate. Compared to the 1st presidential debate though this had more fire.
I think the winner was the country.

Just as with the first Presidential debate, not only the candidates but the families met and talked together afterwards. After the polarization of the Bush - Clinton years, that's a welcome sight. I like seeing both parents proud of sons in the military, and concerned for each other in that common situation.

So was the debate being on issues. As before, each side gave the other credit and kept most of the debate civil and issue oriented. That's important because for too long it's been campaigns of fear, one side who'll supposedly blow up the world vs the other that's plotting to repeal the Bill of Rights. Politics had come to resemble what you get from the anonymous neg reps you infrequently see here: cowardice, hate and irresponsibility. You always lose with that, always.

If most people walked away with the impression I did, which is of 4 fundamentally good people and good Americans who disagree on what direction change should be, I think the country wins. Some national reconciliation is the most needed medicine in these times.

Yeah, I have a preference: Obama/Biden. But if McCain/Palin make it, I wish them the best.

I don't blame Biden for getting emotional over the single father part, because I've been one. I know the worries that brings, and I've dealt with that xxxxx attitude that a man can't be a good primary care giver. Well, look at my kids and look at Biden's kids and I think we did okay.
I voted other because I don't see any winners. I see losers. Namely, my children. Both of these candidates support tickets that will run the country into the ground, IMHO. I was listening to the debate on public radio and I turned it off. My children, if I choose to raise them in this country, will have a very hard time dealing with the decisions that these people made. That being said, I'm going to look out for myself, surf, do martial arts, get better at teaching, learn more science, and basically look out for myself. What else can anyone do?
Also a Vet, we need a hero thats alive, McCain is the man. Palin stood her ground and Biden is ok. McCain will teach Palin alot as she will make history not only for America in '08 but around the world. She might lose only a few votes on the gay ticket (because they love her too!) You cannot change whats going on here as far as gay"s getting married, or people sucking out the brains of 3 month old babies in the mothers womb so they can move on with their lives. But it's nice to see someone with guts for the good ol fashion ways. Mother of 5, husband a regular guy fishin for a livin in one of our most finest states in this country great for hunting fishing and huge natural resourses. We will open up that state create jobs go nuclear and find more oil and in 10 yrs we will still pay less than $6.00 a gallon. And the N.R.A. bet your bottom dollar if any other group wants to come here and mess with us My too best friends Smith & Wesson will have the right to hang on my hip and Mr. AR-15 in my truck. If the republican ticket grants and keeps those rights for us and we have to defend this Great Country ourselves...let them come!!! Its time for choice not a decision. Let the Government control your choice or let John and Sarah fight for us. You and i know one day those sick maniacs half way around the world are going Nuclear so either sit back and be a lame duck or let John And Sarah take charge and take care of business. Not too many countries likes us around the world and you know what, if i was them i hate us too...we've got it all and they cannot have what we have. I was there that tuesday in New York and will never, ever forget it! And there not done. They will come again. Palin has a son going to fight think it hurts for a mother to think he might not come back. With who she knows think she can pull some strings to not let him go? She is for real, McCain is for real. They will be in the White House come January. Mark my words...
Well, including to every external poll that I've seen, including Fox, CNN, and C Span, Biden won. By a very surprising margin in some cases.
Palin did far better than I had expected. I thought she made some good points and held her own. I give the edge to Biden but i don't think she was a pushover.
I call it a tie

Palin as always comes across very, VERY likable, and she didnt really screw up

Biden lies so very well, you cant tell he is lying unless you are really up on the facts
It was certainly a tie-they both accomplished wht they set out to do.

Palin didn't look as bad as she has in interviews, for the most part, and got on message attacking Biden.

Biden make any gaffes, was polite, and stayed on message tying McCain to Bush.....

In fact, I'd say that McCain lost....
Other. I think Biden got the better of Palin by a little, but not nearly as much as expected. Sports analogy: I expected Biden by two touchdowns, instead he eeked out a victory by a field goal.

So Biden won, but Palin performed beyond my expectations moreso than Biden.
I'm watching the debate in segments on YouTube as I was absent from all television last night. Then I'll post my opinion.
One portion of the debate said it all for me.....

When asked about change, Biden said, "I'm not changing...." Isn't that the entire Obama platform? ROFL

I'd say Palin was the winner because she did come across so likeable and Biden was ....well....what you'd expect of a long-time D.C. regular. I think that's gonna hurt he and Obama as people are tired of the regular gov't rhetoric and denial....Palin spoke like she was having a conversation with a neighbor or co-worker...a lot easier for most folks to relate to.
Yesterday I went through Obama's voting record in the Senate and I had to stop the YouTube feed when Palin said he voted 94 times in favor of raising taxes. I know that's completely false and I just can't stomach any more of the lies in these bipartisan debates or in American politics. I just can't watch anymore of this crap right now.
Here's a shocker, Biden and Palin both distorted facts. :rolleyes:

.....a couple of polititians, running for office, distorting facts????
Say it isn't so!

I personally feel that that's par for the course, no matter what side of the isle you're on. I think we've created a system in which a FULLY honest person.....can't win.

Your Brother
Here's how it broke down insofar as polling is concerned:

Survey USA had Biden 51%, Palin 32%, and the elusive Undecided at 17%

MediaCurves.com tracked independent voters, showing them favoring Biden 67% to Palin 33%.

Non-scientific polls:

AOL had Biden winning 48 to 45

MSNBC had Biden winning 78.6 to 18.9

CNN/Opinion Research-Biden 51 Palin 36

CBS had Biden 46 Palin 21

Fox put Biden 61 Palin 39

The CBS poll had 18% of uncommitted voters saying they will now vote for Obama and Biden, whereas 10% now say they'll vote for McCain and Palin.


The debate drew more viewers than the first Presidential candidates debate. Much of this might have been due to Palin's initial popularity, her charisma, her looks...but also it might have been due to her abysmal interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric. These, along with Tina Fey's parodies and scathing criticism of Palin from a number of conservative writers, likely drew people to the debate out of curiosity. They were waiting for a train wreck. They didn't get it.

I thought Biden won, but I thought Palin did better than expected...but then, as many pundits have pointed out, her expectations were low.

Gwen Ifill, in spite of suggestions she'd show favoritism to Biden, did a very professional job. That said, she threw softballs to both candidates, and seemed not to want to follow up or ask for clarifications.

Both were coached well. Palin had canned answers that she tried to fit to the questions (often not so successfully, but without the anticipated blunders), and Biden clearly followed a game plan of being a gentleman. It was apparent his campaign didn't want him coming off as a bully, and he stayed on message in his attacks towards McCain and his record.

The question is whether Palin's performance, tepid as it was, will stop McCain's downslide. He's behind in six of the seven battleground states, and Obama has widened his lead in many. Much can happen in thirty days, and it would seem that few surprises remain...unless the market continues to tank.

In that event, McCain may be soundly beaten.


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