1st US Open/US National Hanmadang

Waiting on a reply, I still wish we all could just respect and work together for the betterment of TKD.
I want the same as Terry for our Art & pray as well as work for it to happen like many of us on this board.

When money, power/prestige, & status are at stake, it's hard to get the best people all working toward the same thing....sadly.
Waiting on a reply, I still wish we all could just respect and work together for the betterment of TKD.

Not sure what you mean. Are you talking about the conflict between USAT and USTC? If so, it is my understanding that the USTC wanted to work with the USAT on the World Hanmadang. It was the USAT that first agreed and then pulled out of it and pushed for not supporting it. Plus the skuttlebutt was that USAT reps did not make a good impression with the KKW in Korea during some some meetings discussing moving the World's to the US.
I want the same as Terry for our Art & pray as well as work for it to happen like many of us on this board.

When money, power/prestige, & status are at stake, it's hard to get the best people all working toward the same thing....sadly.

Well that's the thing...money, power/prestige doesn't seem to be the factor here. Especially when you consider that the officers of the USTC put in their own money to help alliveate some of the debt incurred from World Hanmadang. Many of them own several schools and are quite successful with them so it is not like this is a get rich quick thing.

From day one USTC President Lee has wanted to work with USAT in making this work, so power isn't really a factor. Prestige? Well I don't know...I really doubt they are jumping through these hoops in hopes that they will be famous.

I believe we are getting some great people working for the same thing in the USTC. They want to improve all aspects of TKD not just Olympic sparring. They are pushing for more 'art'. Getting back to more roots that makes TKD such a great art to study. Naturally time will tell. What I can tell you is that USAT mentality is what drove me away from TKD in the first place. USTC mentality is what is bringng me back into the fold.
Only 2 more weeks until the 1st US Open/US National Hanmadang in Chicago, IL. I am happy to announce that we will have both the Kukkiwon demo team and Sideswipe Performance team in the opening ceremonies. This is shaping up to be a fun event for everyone. Hope to see some of you there.

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