1st Dan


White Belt
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
I haven't written in quite some time. And, with injuries occasionally slowing me down, wasn't sure I would get to this point. Today I achieved 1st Dan. I have written in support of others over the past few years and have allways appreciated the comments of others on this site. I have repeatedly been supported by positive comments from many of you, and would like to thank you again. I feel that I am at a transition point were the real learning begins, and am looking fwd to that. At 51 I am running circles around others at work. I've lost 30lbs and attribute my gains to the excellent daily TKD excercises. Good luck to all who have supported me.
Congratulations and well done!!
Shows we can keep up with if not surpass the young uns!!

Support of others is great.

But, when it comes fo rolling around in the mud, the Blood and the beer, only expect and need support from within.
Congratulations! Way to go, and remember, this IS just a beginning!! Keep on training and growing in the arts!!


It's no small thing what you've done. You've stuck with something in spite of injuries & have endured.

Congratulations! You should be overwhelmingly proud of yourself! I hope to get there myself one day :)
Hi, I'm 41 and know what is it to have injuries and body aches in TKD training, I'm a 1dan Black belt and I am thinking in preparing myself for my second dan, I got my 1 dan back in 1987 and yes it's been a long time.

Congratulations on your achivement.

Congratulations on getting your cho-dan! It is a nice accomplishment at any age. Keep working hard!
congrats. you are a true inspiration. To be 51 and completing your 1st Dan it a true sign that one is never too old to work out. great for you.
Congratulations, I know what you mean about the aches and pains. I believe it gets so much harder when you start getting older but the tenacity sees us through.
Congratulations! I, also, achieved 1st dan at 51 (tested with another woman who was 72!) one year after completing treatment for breast cancer. There is SO MUCH more to it all than the physical and we oldies and injureds (I was on crutches 2 days before the test due to a bad sprain sparring a week before!) are proof of it. Last week, 53, 2nd dan!

Keep going!