135-lb mayor puts burglar in headlock


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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Interesting article.... (see link for more information)

OGDEN, Utah (AP) -- It's not a good idea to mess with the mayor, even if he isn't very big. Mayor Matthew Godfrey and his wife were awakened early Wednesday when somebody tried to break into their house through a side and then a rear door. Godfrey jumped out of bed, checked on his children and went outside.

"He was heading across the front lawn riding a bike of ours," Godfrey said. "I ran him down and tackled him, wrestled him and put him in a headlock."

- Ceicei
Way ta go Mayor...
Curtis Poorman, 20, was arrested for investigation of burglary, robbery, public intoxication, illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor, possession of marijuana - "we'll stop there," police Lt. Scott Sangberg said.

High, drunk and stupid is no way to rob a house, son.
See, with this kind of 'can-do' attitude, if this guy loses the election, he could join a BJJ school and go for the fight prizes! Imagine what he could do if he practiced grappling?

Never mind the fighting, I think (too) many of us would like to know how he manages to stay at 135 lbs....:ultracool

As for the criminal, well the name says it all.
Never mind the fighting, I think (too) many of us would like to know how he manages to stay at 135 lbs....:ultracool

He must be a really short guy. If not, he is nothing but skin and bones! Then again, it said he was a runner. I've seen runners before that looked like skeletons, very sickly looking. That would not do for MMA fights. He would have to give up that running nonsense!

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