1000 Posts. Now what?


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I thought the walls would dissolve, opening the shimmering door of light into the "mainframe". Or.. uh, something? Seems not. I am a member of the 1000 Post Club yay! but no ticker tape, no fanfares, not even a basket of dahlias, sundry smellies or chocolate? Man.. 1000 posts. I feel old, as though I should bear a cane and a long flowing beard [my beard is only short you know!] It has been fun :) I remember when MT was run on steam.. Bob used to control the throttle, Shesulsa, Lisa and Rich used to shovel the coal and we could make San Francisco in no time. Now look! It's all diesel and automation! What happened, eh? And where is my chocolate?
Janna x :)
I saw a little guy named Wonka run by muttering something about chocolate..... ;)
Happy post day, I felt the same way when I made Black Belt.
Congrats on the 1000 post mark. The walls don't really dissolve until you get a supporting membership. It's CHEAP and opens up several extra features on the site.
Congrats also from me on your 1000th post. Keep it up someday you MIGHT pass Terry! :lol:
At 10,000 posts, you officially have no life. At 30,000 posts, you're undead. ;)
Congrats!!! I remember when I reached my 1000th post...Now ya set your sights on your 5000th post....
I'm now having thoughts that where we'd long imagined all of our female members as fair like a Silvian Elf, some might in fact have Dwarven blood.....which would explain why some lean towards pounding us guys with heavy objects for kicks.

I am frightened now. I'll be in the lounge raiding the bar. :D
I'm now having thoughts that where we'd long imagined all of our female members as fair like a Silvian Elf, some might in fact have Dwarven blood.....which would explain why some lean towards pounding us guys with heavy objects for kicks.

I am frightened now. I'll be in the lounge raiding the bar. :D

Just call me Jenny Stronginthearm. ;)
I saw a little guy named Wonka run by muttering something about chocolate.....
Did he look anything like Johnny Depp? If so, plz tell me dear Bob which way he went I am desperate. For chocolate.

You have a BEARD???
Of course dear Steve, you are surprised? Well see these Japanese MA are very pedantic on their ceremony. It is only a ceremonial beard you know..

What's wrong with that? I myself have a very fine beard. I grow it out in the winter to keep my chestal area warm and cozy.
Exactly my lovely Jenny Stronginthearm I am sure it gives you also an aura of erudition.

See, there are many benefits to the beard. To which all eastern bloc female shotputters will attest. Anyways thank you all for your encouragement and but where is Johnny Depp and these Tolkien elves with my chocolate? Bah not even sign of a Snickers.. Where are ya Mr T.. you would not let me down..
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Congrats on hitting 1000! You are now a Martial Talk Master Black Belt and you still want chocolate!? Oh the humanity! :D
Congrats on hitting 1000! You are now a Martial Talk Master Black Belt and you still want chocolate!? Oh the humanity! :D
Aww thx JT.. Mind I am a grandmaster flash black belt in RL anyways and still it does not compare to chocolate.. NOTHING compares to chocolate JT, you know that! At least.. nothing that I know of haha..
Aww thx JT.. Mind I am a grandmaster flash black belt in RL anyways and still it does not compare to chocolate.. NOTHING compares to chocolate JT, you know that! At least.. nothing that I know of haha..

Oh, the trouble I could get myself into by responding to that. ;)
Jenna - a little story to preface my answer to your topic question, if I may.

Saturday I taught a self-defense seminar to about 200 girl scouts (one group of about 100, a group of about 60 and a group of about 40). When recruiting noobs to help me out I always pull out the golden standard "If we can help just one girl, it's all worth it to me." Someone asked me once what I would do if I found out I did.

I replied, "Stop counting."

And that, my friend is my answer to your question. :)

Have a beautiful day.

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