1,000,000 posts on MT?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
In 20 posts, MT will cross the 1,000,000 post mark - anyone want to help me push it over?
Anybody out there? Anyone at all?
Make it 14. I just RTMed a post that was out of place plus this one and that's 2 off the tally.
Thanks kindly, gentlemen - I'd like to be here to see the counter change... but I have leave shortly.
AND.... (drumroll please) we're over the 1,000,000 mark!

Members: 10,190 · Threads: 59,794 · Posts: 1,000,000

Kacey, looks like your response to that thread I started put us over the top.

Martial Talk has over one million posts!
I like to think that I've done my part to make this happen!

Remember, posts have been deleted (and some areas don't count toward totals?) so teher have been even more posts than that made in its history!


  • $SWEET CAT.jpg
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HOT DOG!!!!:partyon:

But what we all must realize is that ultimately....

HOT DOG!!!!:partyon:

But what we all must realize is that ultimately....



Oh I WISH I was to blame solely for this one...no wait...no I don't cause then I would only be talking to myself!

Truly and awesome thing! Here is to the next 1,000,000 :cheers:
WOW, that is a lot of accumulated wisdom :) With that firepower, I guess that means it is time for the unveiling of MT-Jutsu? Or the Great MT Novel?? Or MT, The Movie??? I wonder who would star in that? :D
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
WOW, that is a lot of accumulated wisdom :) With that firepower, I guess that means it is time for the unveiling of MT-Jutsu? Or the Great MT Novel?? Or MT, The Movie??? I wonder who would star in that? :D
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

OOh! That's an idea...

Who'll be Lisa? Bob?


Can't forget....
