09 objectives for TKD


Orange Belt
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Near Chicago, IL
I'm interested in everyone's objectives for TKD in 09, mine are as follows:

1. Further develop my sparring so that I can quickly react (instinctively). For example when someone in the closed stance throws a RH RH combination I can at a minimum skip then step back. there are a couple of other counters that I want to be able to do semi-automatically, but don't know how the group refers to them. One is where from a RH stance your right foot slides forward and where the left goes 90 deg to the left with a downblock /punch /kick. I can do it but it isn't automatic. The other is a right leg 45 deg slip then a left 45 deg slip and right leg RH simultaneously. I can do all these in a "controlled" environment, but my objectives is to do it automatically.

2. Properly do a back spin kick so that I can reliably hit a randomly placed paddle.

3. Earn my first Dan, I recently got my Red/Black, 1st Gup. I don't mean get my first Dan, I mean really earn it
For me it is about getting back in shape and loosing the wieght, also would like to compete once more since I am turning 50 this year. So that is the objective for these year.
Getting into shape and losing a few pounds are more general goals for me. For TKD, I have 3 specific goals:

1) By the end of December 09, I want to be at least ready to test for my blue strip.

2) Assist my son more so he can progress as fast as he wants (or is able, assuming he's a little too ambitious). ;)

3) Work on the one problem I have with both my self-defense and sparring. In my sabum nim's words: "You're too nice." :D
Work out a complete realistic bunkai for Palgwe Pal Jang and the Empi hyung—well, it's really a kata, part of our post-Shodan curriculum. Palgwe Pal Jang is kind of an encyclopædia of elbow strike techs—by my count, it contains at least nine of them, as vs. only two kicks—not counting two down blocks, whose bunkai are very plausibly interpreted as two elbow strikes per block followed by a downward hammerfist. And Empi has all kinds of terrific, down-and-dirty CQ techs in it. There's a lot going on in both of those hyungs, and if I can get some decent applications worked out and pressure tested by the end of 2009 I'll be a lot more than satisfied with my MA work this coming year...
Lose wieght/get in shape (cpontinued from '08). Comepte at nationals in July. Get my 2nd dan.

Nothing major ;)

Work out a complete realistic bunkai for Palgwe Pal Jang and the Empi hyung—well, it's really a kata, part of our post-Shodan curriculum. Palgwe Pal Jang is kind of an encyclopædia of elbow strike techs—by my count, it contains at least nine of them, as vs. only two kicks—not counting two down blocks, whose bunkai are very plausibly interpreted as two elbow strikes per block followed by a downward hammerfist.

Palgwe Pal Jang is a nice one. There's an obvious neck grab along with a bull dog takedown within it (the side stance grab and elbow). I also would interpret the opening down block and hammerfist as an underhook arm grab with a finishing strike.
Palgwe Pal Jang is a nice one. There's an obvious neck grab along with a bull dog takedown within it (the side stance grab and elbow). I also would interpret the opening down block and hammerfist as an underhook arm grab with a finishing strike.

Cool—I'd be very interested in your take on that hyung. It's really very different in feel from the others, or at least it seems so to me. Any thoughts you have on it will be much appreciated!
Tighten up all of my forms, improve my sparring technique with regards to combinations and counter attacks, and most importantly, work on my precision. I have been told by GM Kim to expect to test for yidan late this year, assuming that I am ready. Needless to say, I fully intend to be ready.

Well, this is supposed to be the Earth form right? I think of earth as solid and entangling, meaning a theme could be built around applications that allow you to close in, seize your opponent, and then take him down with a overt or implied strike along the way.

This is actually a very nice form with footwork that actually makes sense within the context of locking and throwing. Through out the middle sequences I see themes of seizing the opponent by the neck and throwing him. There's a implied snap mare throw after the afore mentioned bulldog takedown (where you chamber both your fists to your side in a cup and saucer position), and of course the ending double punches to the back is a setup for a shoulder thrown.

Good stuff. I'm curious who created this particular Palgwe and what training background he had or has.
I started back to TKD in October after a 5 year break, in which I've become overweight, slow, and very sloppy. I'm on the road now to change all of that, and to transform myself into the blackbelt I was when I earned 1st dan...only better.

For me, the list of objectives for what I plan to accomplish in '09 is huge...but I'm starting at the beginning, and training as if I were a whitebelt all over again.

So, basically, my objective for the year is to be well on the way to getting into great shape, and to re-earn my 1st dan in my own eyes.
That sounds pretty much like what I am going to do, but since i started a new style, I have to get my edan again. :) Will be fun.

I have to work on my balance for multiple kicks. Some of our own forms rely on 3 and 4 kick combos, and I can't maintain balance after the second side kick, unless they are going to different targets.

I need to get my Koryo and Kwang Gae up to par again as well.

Oh yeah, I have to teach some of the other yudanja in my dojang proper breakfalls and takedowns.
My goal remains what it's always been... to be better tomorrow than I am today.
Work out a complete realistic bunkai for Palgwe Pal Jang and the Empi hyung—well, it's really a kata, part of our post-Shodan curriculum. Palgwe Pal Jang is kind of an encyclopædia of elbow strike techs—by my count, it contains at least nine of them, as vs. only two kicks—not counting two down blocks, whose bunkai are very plausibly interpreted as two elbow strikes per block followed by a downward hammerfist. And Empi has all kinds of terrific, down-and-dirty CQ techs in it. There's a lot going on in both of those hyungs, and if I can get some decent applications worked out and pressure tested by the end of 2009 I'll be a lot more than satisfied with my MA work this coming year...

I'd be interested in your thoughts on Empi. Its a kata that I'm going to be working on this year. It looks ripe with great possibilities.
exile, I'm just started working on Pal Jang myself. got a long ways to go. We generally have about 2 1/2 mths between belt testing and I suspect that for this one I will skip testing as least once, as it is just not enough time to get the nuances down..
exile, I'm just started working on Pal Jang myself. got a long ways to go. We generally have about 2 1/2 mths between belt testing and I suspect that for this one I will skip testing as least once, as it is just not enough time to get the nuances down..

I understand completely, I had to do Pal Jang for my Shodan test, and it was the one hyung that I never quite felt I'd completely 'gotten' when testing time came—I mean, not just the words but the 'music', so to speak. To me, it has a kind of harsh quality that ties in well with what dancingalone was saying in his previous post. It's not pretty, it's not elegant. My instructor, Allan Shirley, had a brilliant competitive career in both sparring and forms, though his heart was always in hardcore SD TKD, and he won many forms competitions at the state level—but, as he told me, never once with Pal Jang, no matter how well he thought he'd done it. Compared with Palgwe Chil Jang, for example, the immediately preceding Palgwe form, Pal Jang has a kind of hulking, brute-force quality, I think, and that doesn't win points in the competitive choreography that forms competition is really all about. The reason I like it so much is that I regard elbows as among the most powerful tools for realistic close-quarters fighting, and Pal Jang is, like, 'Elbows-R-Us'.

I'm very keen on on dancingalone's idea about the initial sweeping retraction of the downblocking/hammerfist arm as part of a takedown sequence—have thought about it quite a bit since he posted and it seems absolutely on target. One of the great things about MT—there are all kinds of sharp people with good ideas out there that you can tap into at just the right time.

I'd be interested in your thoughts on Empi. Its a kata that I'm going to be working on this year. It looks ripe with great possibilities.

Likewise, Tom. I agree: it's got great SD treasure locked up in it. We should keep in touch on this...
I understand completely, I had to do Pal Jang for my Shodan test, and it was the one hyung that I never quite felt I'd completely 'gotten' when testing time came—I mean, not just the words but the 'music', so to speak. To me, it has a kind of harsh quality that ties in well with what dancingalone was saying in his previous post. It's not pretty, it's not elegant. My instructor, Allan Shirley, had a brilliant competitive career in both sparring and forms, though his heart was always in hardcore SD TKD, and he won many forms competitions at the state level—but, as he told me, never once with Pal Jang, no matter how well he thought he'd done it. Compared with Palgwe Chil Jang, for example, the immediately preceding Palgwe form, Pal Jang has a kind of hulking, brute-force quality, I think, and that doesn't win points in the competitive choreography that forms competition is really all about. The reason I like it so much is that I regard elbows as among the most powerful tools for realistic close-quarters fighting, and Pal Jang is, like, 'Elbows-R-Us'.

I'm very keen on on dancingalone's idea about the initial sweeping retraction of the downblocking/hammerfist arm as part of a takedown sequence—have thought about it quite a bit since he posted and it seems absolutely on target. One of the great things about MT—there are all kinds of sharp people with good ideas out there that you can tap into at just the right time.

Likewise, Tom. I agree: it's got great SD treasure locked up in it. We should keep in touch on this...

I would also like to hear your thoughts on Pal Gwe Pal Jang. There's a whole lot of depth there!
Tighten up on poomsea. I need to tighten up on the TKD cirriculum anyway. I want to break through 3 boards by summer with a ridgehand.

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