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Hey guys check out this school. The students are great and the instructor is always cares more about the training than most. Please check out our Dojo website and videos!
Hi Guys, Having lived in Phuket for a while now I know it can be tricky finding the right gym/accommodation here on the island. I came to train Muay Thai here back in March last year and now call this place my home (honestly its awesome here) . I started this thread so that if anyone...
We finished editing our blue belt weapons DVD today. ( Kobujutsu ). It contains Bo form two ( Choun No kon ) Arnis sticks 12 disarms, and double and reverse sinawali. It has been my goal to have DVD's for all 3 curriculums of the 3 arts that we do: Kenpo, Modern Arnis, and Kobujutsu. This brings...
I am new to this community but thought this would be a great way to ask a question to anyone that might be able to help. I started wing tsun several years ago. My instructor closed his school and has since not opened another one to the public. He still trains me some but its sporadic at best...
I am looking forward to teaching at Swift Waters Self Defense Club this Sunday. The topics will be the trapping and locking of tapi tapi and also joint locking with no stick. The club is run by Sifu Jonathan Leonard and it will be good to see him again. The seminar starts at 12pm.
Master Yagi Meitetsu - Hanshi KudanMaster Yagi Meitetsu was born January 1st, 1949 in Naha, Okinawa. In 1955 he started learning Karate under the guidance of his Father, Dai Sensei Yagi Meitoku. From an early age he can recall his Father's strict teachings. At the age of sixteen he received his...
Systema Utah is an affiliate school under Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev. We train in Park City, UT and are 3 weeks from moving into the new Park City M.A.R.C. The grand opening is scheduled for December 16th 2011 at 1200 Little Kate Rd. Our website is and we are...
Chris LaCava will be teaching a seminar here tomorrow 11am - 1pm. This is going to be a great learning opportunity and also Chris is one heckuva nice guy. We already have a good number of people showing up but the more the merrier so if you can make it we would love to see you there!
so i'm a couple weeks into bjj now and i'm loving it. I have a class but i also have sort of a private coach too. bjj guys really need to work on their aim for punching though. i was holding the focus mits for one of them during warm up and he ended up landing a barefisted hook to my forearm. at...
something that no one tells you until it's too late is how addicting bjj is. Ive only had 5 classes and it's already all i think about. i have a class but then i also have private lessons with a guy from my old gym who happens to go to the same college as me. He used to be an mma coach so after...
Hi all, I am trying to find the origin/creater of yansu kata. There are conflicting suggestions, but nobody seems sure. Do you know? I am particularly interested in references - please let me know if you can direct me to a reliable source. The suggestions I have read are: - Yansu may have been...
Since i started doing muay thai i loved watching everyone doing bjj. I wouldve started doing it earlier but my knee couldnt handle the akward movements. So now that i think my kick boxing classes are...well pretty much a joke i decided i needed a new challenge. I have a feeling im gonna hav a...
I will be teaching Modern Arnis tonight at Lacava's martial arts in Milford CT at 6:30pm. The host, Chris, is a great martial artist and all around nice guy. :0) Then tomorow I cross over the bridge to teach at CT Shorin Ryu in Portland CT at 1pm. They just had a grand re-opening and this will...
my oppanant's name was rose. The more important part is that she is pat berry's girlfriend and he was her corner and trains her. and i found out a very important lesson. head kicks don't hurt very much it's the spin heal kicks that suck.
so my fight is in two days. its gettin ghard to sit still. i used to be one of the only ones from my old gym the fought in these but now there will be 9 of us in this one. i'm just so freakin happy to be going and seeing them all after being away at college for a month. and to top off the...
alright so im down to the last week before my fight and i get a call yesterday that my oppanant is backing out because shes sick. i think its a rather lame excuse but whatever. so now they are setting up a new oppanant for me who does mma and muay thai shes had two mma fights and 2 fights in...
my coaches from the started have told me that i'm very heavy handed when i punch. on top of that i have glass hands too. it majorly sucks because whenever i throw full power punches on the bag my hands hurt. i decided i needed to fix this so i started doing to my hands what i did to condition my...
Quick update on me. Ive decided to take a seriously look at my health not getting any younger. I have started to close monitor my diet and workout routines to get myself back in shape. as of September 1st I have lost 7 pounds and have completed my first 5k. Might not seem...
finally got to spar again and might hav gone a little overboard. i was trying to hold back because i was sparring a new coach and it never a good idea to piss someone off who can make ur training hell. i ended up nailing him dead center on his face. no blood thank god but he got pretty stunned...
starting to really buckle down and get ready for this fight. i just started making my fight playlist which consist of godsmack, dreaming, papa roach, escape the fate, sick puppies and many more. i'm a big believer in the music has to get you in the zone for whatever your doing. i used to have a...