In The Latter Half

First night at Wah Lum training and it was good to be back. Naturally, I was instructed when to bow and how to salute, how to tie my sash and shown several things unique to the school: Location of lineage, locker room, image of the Grandmaster. These details took about five minutes. The...
Second day with the patch. That's going well. I began training tonight. The time of beginnings has come to a close.
The cash for my WoW account hit the bank this morning. This afternoon, I complete my contract with the Wah Lum school I spoke with last week. I'm pleased by the way this has transpired...being able to get some cash for my account and having that finance my training. Very nice karma feel to it...
Sunday morning and there's a cold rain falling. I went to sleep last night with my cigarettes on my nightstand and woke, this morning, to the chilly March weather. Nonetheless, I held that partial pack under the faucet until the were soaked through, drained the excess water and threw them out...

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