14 days

finally got to spar again and might hav gone a little overboard. i was trying to hold back because i was sparring a new coach and it never a good idea to piss someone off who can make ur training hell. i ended up nailing him dead center on his face. no blood thank god but he got pretty stunned. i hav never been the one that didnt gas out first so i count today as a triumph that i wasnt even breathing hard by the end and he was doubled over. this i think adds to the argument of muay thai is better then boxing cause he was a boxing coach and we pretty much did hands only and when he told me i could kick i ended up getting his elbow to my foot and there is gonna b a pretty nasty bruise tomorrow and it hurts like hell now


Lol goood job! Idk how accurate the argument is visavis who has the superior conditioning between boxing and muay thai (heard it from proponents of each a million times,and since I'm a coach for each I hear it waaay more than I prefer to) but bottom line? Muay Thai has the potential to produce the more conditioned athlete,but the real linchpin and key ingredient is what comprises each athlete's workout routine. It's the overall workout routine which determines the level of conditioning of the athlete.
ya i know its just person to person rather then boxing vs muay thai for conditioning. at my old gym the boxers did really insane conditioning drills that i couldve never done. but ive really been focusing on my conditiong so im hoping when i go back for the summer i can keep up with all of them

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