what is balantawak

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i was curious about the style balantawak. What is it?
Filipino, i imagine. what is it about?
You live in the same city as the grandmaster! It's a stick-dueling system that heavily influenced Modern Arnis. Use Search to find much info. on it here on MartialTalk.
i did, and all i got was my posting.
Who is the GM? Detroiter? I'm proud of him/her, who ever it is. Love us Homepeople!!!!

what is the system about?
Use the spelling "balintawak" and you'll find plenty of hits. The current head of the system is Ted Buot of (a suburb of) Detroit.

It's a stick-on-stick dueling system. We have several students of it on the board.
Ted Buot is a respected master of Balintawak. I don't know if he's a grandmaster or not. He might be as he is spoken of highly by other Balintawak masters, but Balintawak has several grandmasters, most of whom live in Cebu.

Balintawak was founded by Grandmaster Anciong Bacon when he broke away from the Doce Pares club in the 1951. There are several styles of Balintawak (Velez, Atillo, etc) and a few styles that have come from Balintawak (Combat Eskrima Maranga, Cuentada de Mano). They emphasize the single stick and empty hands.
Yes, there is some debate as to who is the GM of Balintawak and if it even is meaningful to speak of its current head. Many feel Ted Buot was the senior instructor and hence has the top spot. In any event, there's no real ranking in the system, at least as Mr. Buot teaches it--one is either a student or an instructor, nothing else.
Buot was the only person that was allowed by Bacon to teach when he wasn't present.
I have found my issue of Rapid Journal from the Phillipines. There is an article that names Buot as the original chief instructor of the club under Bacon.
I'm not questioning the validity of Ted Buot's position, skill or his relationship to GM Bacon. I just wanted to point out that there are others who also teach Balintawak aside from Ted Buot and that they may not consider him their GM.

When I was in Cebu in 2000, I heard his name, mainly concerning the fact that he was in the US, and always respectfully. But I met some people who were Balintawak GM's too. It would be incorrect to put him as the head of all that claim themselves Balintawak as they may disagree. For all I know Balintawak may be like Doce Pares with multiple GM's within the same style so this might be no problem.
Originally posted by bart
I'm not questioning the validity of Ted Buot's position, skill or his relationship to GM Bacon. I just wanted to point out that there are others who also teach Balintawak aside from Ted Buot and that they may not consider him their GM.

When I was in Cebu in 2000, I heard his name, mainly concerning the fact that he was in the US, and always respectfully. But I met some people who were Balintawak GM's too. It would be incorrect to put him as the head of all that claim themselves Balintawak as they may disagree. For all I know Balintawak may be like Doce Pares with multiple GM's within the same style so this might be no problem.


All Good points.

I know that there has been discussions about Balintawak between one of those using GM title and Manong (GM) Ted Buot. There has been name changes of names from Balintawak to Balintawak Arnis or XYZ. In Point all these other GM's have put there own spin on the art and teach it there way. Manog Buot has been called a Purist by many of these others leaders for trying to teach it just like GM Anciong Bacon did. This way is not very marketable, and Manong (GM) Buot does not care about this, he justs wants to teach. He is a very nice and humble. He wishes the best to all the others.

So no harm discussing or asking questions. This is just our opinion. Others have theirs. :)

Originally posted by moromoro

Master Bacon never promoted anybody to the titile of grandmaster,,,,,,,,,,




That may be true, yet many have taken the title. That is a natter of life. As Manong Buot, it is his students who call him GM out of respect for his great skills. Like I Said he is very humble and only speaks of GM Anciong Bacon with great respect.

I am in Los Angeles. I was wondering if GM Ted Buot has a qualified instructor here? He seems to be the real deal in Balintawak. Hope to train soon!!!
Ah...L.A.....that answers my question in the other thread! :ultracool

Yes, Manong Ted Buot is the real deal. Unfortunatily, I don't believe we have anyone from his lineage teaching in L.A..

However, there might be something nearby of a different lineage. We'll see if Rich Parsons, Renegade, or Toasty (all Balintawak students under Manong Ted) can interject some more information.

Yes there are many GM's ( all legit ) of Balintawak, in Cebu especially, Balintawak like Tae Kwon Do has had many a split. Most people recognize GM Buot as the GM of the Original method or early method of Anciongs art. GM Buot does not call himself Grandmaster in fact her prefers to be called Ted. Grandmaster Presas for the most part bestowed upon him the title of Grandmaster. In 1982 when I first met and started to train with Gm Buot he came to a seminar GM Presas was conducting in Southgate Michigan, GM Presas introduced Ted Buot to myself and the crowd and refered to him as the Grand Master and heir to Grand Master Bacons Balintawak, which was good enough for me. I was studing Moncols Balintawak with Grand Master Presas at the time, he insisted that I learn the "PURE" Balintawak from GM Buot. So basically when looking at Balintawak you have to remember their are many off shoots of th system even my CDM is a lot like the grouped versions of Balintawak,like GM Bobby Tobada.
Gm Buot teaches the early traditional non grouped version. Some people claim that Gm Bacon changed his art a little bit after Ted left in 1974 and thats what they teach which might be, because he like all great Masters continued to grow his art, for instance GM Presas was a student of GM Bacon's before GM Buot, but GM Presas never learned Abecedario untill 1984 when I tought it to him, because when he trained with GM Bacon, Gm Bacons hadn't developed Abecedario yet, which know is the basic fundimentals of the art. I think the best way to look at it is Balintawak no matter what version you look at defenatly has some advantages and effectiveness otherwise why would so many great fighter in Cebu adapt so many of its principle into their own arts!

Rocky Pasiwk
I would defentally say that GM Ted is a great GM all one have to do is train with him. He just is awesome

Not to mention a very nice man also. I love it we tells me you got poped on that one. LOL