What happens when risk adverse leaders set policy.


Jul 31, 2003
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Dirt bikes, four-wheelers and other ATVs are illegal in the District, but the drivers know police can’t chase them. In fact, those familiar with the problem say some of the drivers come from other areas on stolen bikes because D.C. is known for its no-chase policy.

The typical catch 22 we cops wind up in. The people don't want to tolerate this but they will be the first people criticizing the police when a chase kills someone. At some point you have to decide what you want more.

The man at the end is a classic example....he wants a perfect world where we stop this sort of activity but apparently isn't willing to say that he would accept the consequences that would go with it.
Fearful leadership that is risk averse is a real problem everywhere.
You take risk to accomplish something. Something worthy of the risks involved.

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A strict no-chase policy just allows unwanted behavior to grow. There are senseless chases that have killed and injured people and a good policy should be based on a cost/benefit decision. If you never give chase...no one will take the law seriously.
Drones might help the problem...if a chase starts it would be great if they could call in a drone to follow the car from the air without the pressure of a high speed chase...and get the jerks after they stop. That would require money for drones, and having them in the air so they could be deployed quickly which might be cost prohibitive for small towns.

In a local town here in Illinois, a cop friend of mine and his department (westmont) were involved in a high speed chase of a motorcycle moron. It was New Years eve (actually New Years day early in the morning so it was night) back in the early 90s. The guy was drunk, on a motorcycle, and turned off his headlight to avoid the police. As they were chasing him, he was tearing down side streets at high speed and ended up going into the next town (downers grove). One of the Westmont officers was following the chase on his radio and figured out where the guy was going to show up. It was the street that the Peppridge Farm factory was on, so he used his car to block the street. The motorcycle did appear and tried to get around his car. The motorcycle clipped the officers bumber, and launched the rider head first into the telephone pole on the corner. It just so happened that another friend, and fellow instructor, lived on the corner and across the street from the factory. He heard the loud crash and went out to investigate. the motorcycle guy had was dead, and it was said you could smell the alcohol coming off of the body.

The officer who blocked the road was sued as was the department, and it was quite the mess for the officer for years after that.
I'm not crazy about having drones all over my neighborhood but this could work if (when) the technology is there--the cops launch a drone from their car, someone remote guides it to follow the fleeing car, and they corner the person somewhere safe.

Why can't we just throw little tracers on these cars, like Spider-Man does?
Who pays for it?

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The technology isn't really there yet--you could base military-style recce drones somewhere in the city but I'm thinking of the smaller ones that a foot-soldier can hand-launch. Who knows what the cost would be, assuming it's doable?
We have a no chase policy where I work. Same thing happens. We have a big dirt bike problem and they know we cant chase they will actually look for us and ride up to us and taunt us. Nothing we can do about it. get caught chasing them your written up. They play a game now who can get close enough to the police car and get away. Ive seen them actually slap the hood of police vehicles and speed off.
We cant chase cars either so no surprise alot of people run from us when we try to stop them.
They play a game now who can get close enough to the police car and get away. Ive seen them actually slap the hood of police vehicles and speed off.

And, here comes the law of unintended consequences--one of them will get hurt doing that.
And, here comes the law of unintended consequences--one of them will get hurt doing that.

yep and it will be my fault. "you didnt stop my son from doing that and now he is dead because you didnt do your job"
And people will still cry that we are not "doing something"...