In this country the Free Market is being cheated. Small business owners are the backbone of this economy, yet they will never be able to compete with the multi-national corporations. These institutions can out compete small businesses because they can produce good and pollute as much as they want, meanwhile ensuring that small business owners do not have the same rights. Corporations get rich through political clout and by making others poor to increase their margins. Pollution = subsidies = big government = the Bush Administration = corporate despotism – a new type of government – a government that the Bush Administration is striving to create despite the visions of our forefathers. And this science fiction nightmare is directly attributable to the selective anti-regulation of the Bush Administration.
Environmental costs reflect the true cost of bringing a cost to market. Cheaters pass the costs off on those around because that is the only way they can corner the market. Look at hog production in our North Carolina. 15 years ago 27,000 farms in North Carolina alone existed. Now only 2,200 corporate facilities exist. Hogs produce 10 the amount of waste as humans. A facility with 50,000 hogs will produce as much waste as city with 5,000,000 people and this waste can be dumped directly into the water and onto the land because of subsidies and anti-regulations. Because these hogs are fed so many antibiotics and these go right through the hog into their waste, no plants can grow on them because they are too polluted. The land is ruined. If these corporations were held to the same standards as small business, they would not be able to produce a pound of bacon for less then a family farm.
How does this happen? First of all, these giant corporations control the media and convince a large block of voters that by voting for their pet politicians they are voting ideals like “free markets” and “property rights.” The problem is that it is only free markets and property right for them and not all. The Bush Administration provides a convenient case study on this concept. They have operated with obfuscation and subterfuge ever since they stole the White House from the democratic process. They have created a secret government inaccessible from the public eye and here is why.
In all of recent history there has not been an administration that has harmed our environment more. As of this moment the Bush administration is ignoring the current laws, strong arming others to stop prosecution and changing policies to bring about a short term polluted growth that will make many rich quick, but, in the end will stick the taxpayers with the bill for cleaning it up. For instance according to executive orders, solid waste is no longer enforceable as environmental degradation, so debris, garbage, and contaminated earth can be dumped on land in into water by large corporations at will. Much of this has been the result of the firing of 250 EPA enforcers for prosecuting Bush Campaign donors. In the future, the administration will bring 200 major policy changes about through congress and executive order and if all of these changes go through, we will have absolutely no significant environmental laws left. We will be like Mexico where the air melts your face despite the flowery regulations on the books.
Already we can see the harm that this administration has caused. Its energy bill can safely be called the “No Lobbyist Left Behind” energy bill. Inside this bill are subsidies and anti-regulations that basically roll back the entire clean water and air acts and allow power plants to pollute at will by law. In fact, oil, gas, and coal companies will NEVER be required to clean up the messes they make under this legislation. The bill does nothing to cut our dependence of foreign oil and will only enrich those companies who have interest in such products – these companies include those owned by the Bush families themselves, those owned by princes of Saudi Arabia and by those owned by the Bin Laden family. (So much for the war on terror) This is a pork barrel bill with a few nods to alternative energies sprinkled over it like diamonds on a mound of feces.
Meanwhile the environmental damage goes on. In the Bush years as of this date, we can measure our water getting dirtier (look at the EPAÂ’s recent announcement), the dead zone in lake Erie is getting larger because of dioxin production, a measurable 10% decrease in our fisheries from historic levels can be linked to increases in pollution, one in four kids in New York now have asthma because of BushÂ’s deregulations, the non prosecution of mercury polluters has led to a direct increase in birth defects, and as of this moment 28 states do not have fish in them that are safe to eat with more lakes added to the list every day.
We need a “regime change” in this country. We cannot ignore the Bush Administration’s actions because the price we will pay in the future will be more then anything we can imagine. We will experience a short term period of growth from this pollution frenzy and when this is all done, the companies responsible will run off to Brazil or some other country they have slated for domination and use. And we will be left with no jobs, no health, and a huge clean up job and no resources to do it. In the end, the environmental movement is not about hugging trees or protecting spotted owls in the forest as it has been so characterized by those it opposes. It is about protecting out culture, our values, our history, and our very lives.
Environmental costs reflect the true cost of bringing a cost to market. Cheaters pass the costs off on those around because that is the only way they can corner the market. Look at hog production in our North Carolina. 15 years ago 27,000 farms in North Carolina alone existed. Now only 2,200 corporate facilities exist. Hogs produce 10 the amount of waste as humans. A facility with 50,000 hogs will produce as much waste as city with 5,000,000 people and this waste can be dumped directly into the water and onto the land because of subsidies and anti-regulations. Because these hogs are fed so many antibiotics and these go right through the hog into their waste, no plants can grow on them because they are too polluted. The land is ruined. If these corporations were held to the same standards as small business, they would not be able to produce a pound of bacon for less then a family farm.
How does this happen? First of all, these giant corporations control the media and convince a large block of voters that by voting for their pet politicians they are voting ideals like “free markets” and “property rights.” The problem is that it is only free markets and property right for them and not all. The Bush Administration provides a convenient case study on this concept. They have operated with obfuscation and subterfuge ever since they stole the White House from the democratic process. They have created a secret government inaccessible from the public eye and here is why.
In all of recent history there has not been an administration that has harmed our environment more. As of this moment the Bush administration is ignoring the current laws, strong arming others to stop prosecution and changing policies to bring about a short term polluted growth that will make many rich quick, but, in the end will stick the taxpayers with the bill for cleaning it up. For instance according to executive orders, solid waste is no longer enforceable as environmental degradation, so debris, garbage, and contaminated earth can be dumped on land in into water by large corporations at will. Much of this has been the result of the firing of 250 EPA enforcers for prosecuting Bush Campaign donors. In the future, the administration will bring 200 major policy changes about through congress and executive order and if all of these changes go through, we will have absolutely no significant environmental laws left. We will be like Mexico where the air melts your face despite the flowery regulations on the books.
Already we can see the harm that this administration has caused. Its energy bill can safely be called the “No Lobbyist Left Behind” energy bill. Inside this bill are subsidies and anti-regulations that basically roll back the entire clean water and air acts and allow power plants to pollute at will by law. In fact, oil, gas, and coal companies will NEVER be required to clean up the messes they make under this legislation. The bill does nothing to cut our dependence of foreign oil and will only enrich those companies who have interest in such products – these companies include those owned by the Bush families themselves, those owned by princes of Saudi Arabia and by those owned by the Bin Laden family. (So much for the war on terror) This is a pork barrel bill with a few nods to alternative energies sprinkled over it like diamonds on a mound of feces.
Meanwhile the environmental damage goes on. In the Bush years as of this date, we can measure our water getting dirtier (look at the EPAÂ’s recent announcement), the dead zone in lake Erie is getting larger because of dioxin production, a measurable 10% decrease in our fisheries from historic levels can be linked to increases in pollution, one in four kids in New York now have asthma because of BushÂ’s deregulations, the non prosecution of mercury polluters has led to a direct increase in birth defects, and as of this moment 28 states do not have fish in them that are safe to eat with more lakes added to the list every day.
We need a “regime change” in this country. We cannot ignore the Bush Administration’s actions because the price we will pay in the future will be more then anything we can imagine. We will experience a short term period of growth from this pollution frenzy and when this is all done, the companies responsible will run off to Brazil or some other country they have slated for domination and use. And we will be left with no jobs, no health, and a huge clean up job and no resources to do it. In the end, the environmental movement is not about hugging trees or protecting spotted owls in the forest as it has been so characterized by those it opposes. It is about protecting out culture, our values, our history, and our very lives.