steven seagal


2nd Black Belt
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
brisbane australia, zamboanga philippines, sorsogo
what rank is he in aikido?

and who does or has he trained with i.e tomiki etc.???

does he still have regular classes??

what do you think of his movies??

in a few of his new ones i.e exit wounds and half past dead he seems to be using a lot of the sticky hands from kung fu.....

thanks terry
7th dan (besides the rumors of 8th)
Not with Tomiki as far as I know.My memory is probably off but I think he trained with master ?Isoyama? probably some 8th dan or above.
At least he had seminars and teaching,he has some high ranking students as far as I know who are teaching his style.
I liked them when I was younger,but I do not find them very special.
I think his kf training is little at best,tai chi perhaps and might have known wing chun ppl and maybe learned some.He tends to create his own brawls but in this movie (EW) it might not have been the case (have not seen it)
Despite his acting, he has created a large scale audience for a traditional martial art. For that, he deserves respect. He brought Aikido to the lime lite. It was about time.

I think most of us that liked the action movies like Rambo, Delta Force, etc. liked the segal movies, but it wasn't for his theatrical presense!!
I don't know who promoted him, but he was an aikido teacher long before he became an actor. I believe that he did actually teach in Japan for a time.

He was hired as a martial arts/fight coordinator for a couple of movies and that led to his debut as an actor...
Originally posted by moromoro
what rank is he in aikido?

and who does or has he trained with i.e tomiki etc.???

does he still have regular classes??

what do you think of his movies??

in a few of his new ones i.e exit wounds and half past dead he seems to be using a lot of the sticky hands from kung fu.....

thanks terry

He taught at his Japanese father in-law’s dojo in Osaka. His Japanese wife’s father was an Aikido instructor as was is his ex-wife.
One of my students is a good friend of hers. She has invited me to go to her dojo if I am in Osaka since she has a keen interest in what my teacher does.
Segal was ranked something like 3rd dan by his ex-father in –law but then on the plane ride coming to America got bumped up a few according to my students information.
From what I understand he borrowed a lot of money from his in-laws to make a dojo in the US then decided he wanted to become an actor……dumped his Japanese wife, didn't payback the money.....married Kelly Labrock to get his career going then dumped her once it got going and married someone else.
He was never in the Special Forces or the CIA or even in the military for that matter.

Personally I don’t care for his character.
Originally posted by yilisifu

He was hired as a martial arts/fight coordinator for a couple of movies and that led to his debut as an actor...

He did the stunt coordination for a movie called "The Duel" with Glenn Scott. His student played Kubo in the movie.

Pretty bad movie but the stunts were not bad.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
He taught at his Japanese father in-law’s dojo in Osaka. His Japanese wife’s father was an Aikido instructor as was is his ex-wife.
One of my students is a good friend of hers. She has invited me to go to her dojo if I am in Osaka since she has a keen interest in what my teacher does.
Segal was ranked something like 3rd dan by his ex-father in –law but then on the plane ride coming to America got bumped up a few according to my students information.
From what I understand he borrowed a lot of money from his in-laws to make a dojo in the US then decided he wanted to become an actor……dumped his Japanese wife, didn't payback the money.....married Kelly Labrock to get his career going then dumped her once it got going and married someone else.
He was never in the Special Forces or the CIA or even in the military for that matter.

Personally I don’t care for his character.
Oh brother I can tell you stories about him from couple of my female students that used to study with him. His Aikido was real good at some point before he became the reincarnation of a partial god. His Sixth Dan came from Aikikai. He has done a lot to promote Aikido tho. I don't care for his character as well. CIA, huh, he and Frank Dux together.

The most important thing Seagal did was Marketing of Aikido, i know it doesnt need it, but its ever good a free marketing isnt? Even the best MA need some promotion some times.
Steven Segal studied with my old teacher Fumio Toyoda, Aikido Shihan when Toyoda Sensi was in Japan teaching before coming to the US.
Also, when he filmed "Above the Law". Steven Segal was hanging out in our dojo in chicago. He could have gone anywhere Midwest Aikido Association but decided to come to ours and he was very happy to see our Sensi again.

Unfortunately, Toyoda Sensi died the other year.

A great loss to Aikido and everyone too.


Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
I'm not that big of a fan of him too sometimes. But, I do get a laugh of how such a peaceful man goes out and kills every one the walks down the street with his mala....... lol

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
Does anybody know if steven segal is making a new movie ?

or what he is up to now?


Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
The current issue of Budo Intl. (June 2003) includes an article on his ex-wife Miyako Fujitani.

The current issue of Black Belt (July 2003) includes an article on his student Haruo Matsuoka (a 5th degree black belt).