real or fake



Just wanted to know what everyone thought of ma in movies. I like movies where they are over the top. When I watch a movie I want to escape real life. I loved the matrix and crouching tiger. Do you like movies with more real life incounters or flashy over the top moves that could never be pulled off in real situation?
I enjoy the old hong kong ma flicks and crouching tiger (zhang xiyi yummy) but I prefer the fight scenes that push the envelope to the point that it would take nearly super human skill to accomplish but still leaves you with the feeling that if I bust my butt training maybe, just maybe, I'll be that good one day.
I agree with the letch...but Michelle Yeoh (in my book) is the hottie in "Crouching Tiger".

I saw her in a film with Jackie Chan where she did a spinning axe kick, smashed a guys face into a table, took his gun, took out HER gun, pointed it at the bad guys and gave them stink eye.

It was love from there on in....

My wife is aware of the situation, and not particularly concerned. Nor am I really worried about the thing she and Brad Pitt have going. Same sort of dynamic.


Steve Scott
I have to admit that I love the Matrix. And Crouching Tiger was a damn good movie too. But every now and then I would like to see a movie that does have some more realistic fight scenes.

In my personal oppinion, to many MA movies are using wire tricks. Granted, a lot of the old Kung Fu movies were done that way, but even still a real fight on occassion wouldn't kill the industry.
Jackie Chan's older stuff is really good. Genuine movement, no wire work.

I don't mind the wire work if the rest of the fighting looks okay. Crouching Tiger didn't do it for me in that respect.

Knowing how they do the movies with the wire work, blue screens and stuff just ruins the illusion for me. I want to wonder "Wow, how did they do that" instead of "oh, they've got a harness on and look, you can see the wire".

I prefer more real fighting scenes in movies (well as real as they can get being choreographed) that make me cheer for the good guys and yell out when the bad guys get their butts whooped.

Matrix type Movie-Fu is cool, and fun to watch, but give me the realistic stuff any day. Jackie Chan's Hong Kong movies are definitely the best I've ever seen. And I totally dug the knife-fighting portrayed in "The Hunted."
Originally posted by MartialArtsChic
...Knowing how they do the movies with the wire work, blue screens and stuff just ruins the illusion for me. I want to wonder "Wow, how did they do that" instead of "oh, they've got a harness on and look, you can see the wire".

It is nothing more than choreographed stunts and special effect scenes caterring to a mass audience.

Is there any movie where the fight scenes are real? Without all those exaggeration and BS stuffs, it would be a comparatively rather boring movie.
Originally posted by KennethKu
It is nothing more than choreographed stunts and special effect scenes caterring to a mass audience.

Is there any movie where the fight scenes are real? Without all those exaggeration and BS stuffs, it would be a comparatively rather boring movie.

I'd rather have the illusion in tact for a little bit. They tend to have all the specials out before the movie or the first weekend on how they made it, the tricks, etc. that's it's just no fun for me to see it.

The good old fashioned choreographed fight scenes (provided the people can pull them off well) are the ones I really, really enjoy.

I find that I like them both equally as well.

I like to watch more realistic fighting scenes because I find them very interesting. Like in "The Hunted", or the Gun fights in "Heat"

But at the same time going to the movies to see people do things that cant actually be done. Matrix, Bullet Proof Monk, The Rundown... ect. Thats just a fun time escaping at the movies.

I have a good time with either.

Hows that for a cop out answer... I feel strongly both ways.

Tim P
I must be a freek. I don't care for MA movies in general. Then again I seem to care less about cinema overall than most people. Oh well. I suppose MA movies aren't quite as silly as all those shootemups with the thirty shot revolvers.
I like them both. Matrix is cool. Old Jackie Chan movies make me go duuuuuuuuuuuude more though. I know he had to do that crazy looking stuff by skill not wires which makes it more impressive. His newer ones are funnier though.
Sometimes it isn't just the choreography...its the camera angles and shots. I thought "Master and Commander" was an excellent movie up until the final fight scene. The shots were too close and claustrophobic. You couldn't get a sense of what was going on.


Steve Scott
I find myself being quite critical of films that are "over the top." Using techniques that are just impossible. (Jet Li comes to mind real quick.) No matter what level of common sense most people have, I still have friends who have watched the Matrix films and ask, "Can you do that?"

It's quite annoying.
ok, you guys have got to get "Tough and Deadly", and "Back in Action"

They star billy blanks and roddy piper (the wrestler, that's right). Cheesiest cheese ever.
A lot has to do with how the fight scene was shot. For instance, in "The Perfect Weapon" where Jeff Speakman takes on the would-be muggers. Just a few hand techs, but the way it's shot, I go "Damn!" every time I see it.

And if you want cheesy movies, try "Fist of Fear, Touch of Death" or "Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky".
My friends ask me if I can do the stuff in the matrix but only as a joke.
My response is get real I can only do the stuff in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
My favorite fight scene lacks any technical merit whatsoever, it's just an over-the-top street fight--Keith David and Rowdy Roddy Piper in John Carpenter's "They Live." It went on FOREVER, the two just beating the living crap out of each other. "South Park" used this as a model for their "cripple fight" scene, which was pretty damn funny though excrutiatingly politically incorrect.

Other than that, I prefer the realistic stuff. Though I didn't like the movie much beside this scene, Benny the Jet's and John Cusack's fight scene in Grosse Point Blank was down and dirty. Raging Bull had some good stuff too.
I'm a big fan of the fighting in the Bourne Identity. I also like seeing old Chan flicks and Gordon Liu flicks. I can't STAND the wire stuff. Just my opinion though. :asian:

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