NEWS AND VIEWS: MMA turns into freak show with amputee Maynard on the card

They fought...and it was most certainly NOT a blowout.

Kyle Maynard lost his bout to Brian Fry by decision, 30-27. Fry won by staying upright and evading multiple takedown attempts by Maynard. The crowd seemed clearly on Maynard's side.

But...truthfully...were their any losers in this match? I don't think so. Well done by both. :asian:
Who wants to be the first opponent to either KO an amputee....

Or loose to one?
I wonder how he'll do over time and after some more matches? I wonder if he'll be able to get a sparring partner?

Three point decision. I wouldn't call that half-bad.
A clip of Maynard's weigh-in before the fight...

His appearance on Larry King...

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A clip of Maynard's weigh-in before the fight...

His appearance on Larry King...

I think something interesting to consider is him making weight. If he's weighing in at 135 lbs, at basically half the size of his opponent, that must mean what muscle mass he has is probably incredibly strong.
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I heard something else about the fight. His trainers were unable to secure gloves on his hands, due to the high humidity. As a result, the officials said he would be unable to throw any strikes.

Makes me wonder what he'd be able to do when he can throw a strike. I hope he fights again. :asian:
His fight is on Youtube already.

It is a really boring fight.

Kyle seems to only charge like a 4 legged animal.

The other guy seems to just push him off balance and move.

The guy has difficulty throwing strikes at Kyle but in some cases they do land. Kyle does seems to leave himself open for possible submissions when he is thrown off balance but the guy seems to use the advantage of stand up.
I am of two minds on this. One I found watching the fight extremely disturbing. Two I am grateful that the guy had a chance to fulfill one of his dreams.
The fight was one of the more unusual things I've seen. Maynard being precluded from striking tells me that it's not really an MMA fight. So now, to me, it becomes a question of practicality.

That said, he can move, and I hope he continues to grapple and wrestle. He got me thinking about the type of rolling I'm learning to do in Systema. He has some gifts that would make him a formidable training partner. Whether or not an MMA future is in the cards, he has a lot to contribute on the mats.
I just tried to view it on youtube & found it unwatchable. I get that it's a dream of his to do & I think it's great that he trains. But competing is another story. IMO.

As has been said, It's not why I would watch MMA.
He appears to be a much better grappler. However, I'm glad he pursued his goal. Personally I'm a huge believer in not letting different abilities stop a person from being what and who they want to be.
He appears to be a much better grappler. However, I'm glad he pursued his goal. Personally I'm a huge believer in not letting different abilities stop a person from being what and who they want to be.

I agree with you that it's fantastic that he's not letting his disabilities get in the way of what he wants to do. But against an opponent wthout a similar disability it's uncomfortable for me to watch.

I don't think we're on terribly opposite sides of this issue Carol, but we do have different perspectives on it. Which is what makes the world go around.