New to owning a school

[FONT=&quot]The next problem is the fact that I don't know how I can get promoted beyond 4th. I do currently train in another art, but I have only been doing it for a year. I am a member of the American Kenpo Karate Association, and they said they will recognize me as a 4th dan in American Karate, but they can't promote me beyond that.[/FONT]

I moved almost 3000 miles from my instructor, school and association. I started a school and searched and searched for an association on the west coast that matched the curriculum of my east coast training. Well, I did finally find a good Tang Soo Do association. However, prior to that, I had decided to join the AIKIA. I never did, but my research indicated that they would be the best association for rank recognition and advancement.

Bail and go for it!
Look belts hold your pants up, if your as good as you say then take the plunge and start up a your own school style, students will see how good u are as a instructor not a person wearing a colored belt with stripes on. Start your own grading system, kata what ever you want in YOUR style.,then franchise but at realistic prices, for the love of your style not the monetary gain alot of organisations seek.. All martial arts styles had to start some where.
Your path is in front of you take the first step, and the journey begins.
You all have been a great help. I have made my choice. Now I just need some money to get started.

I am very happy with my skills and status in the martial arts. I, of course, always aim to become better, but I do believe that I do a good job at teaching, training, and overall running a school. The biggest problem I see in the future is: What happens when someday I have a student or students that are ready to promote to 4th dan? I am a forth, and I will still be a forth at that time. How do I promote them? This is of course in the event that I don't find an organization to belong to. I can careless about rank, but the common american public does care about it.

Brian, how does your ranking go with your school?
What happens when someday I have a student or students that are ready to promote to 4th dan? I am a forth, and I will still be a forth at that time. How do I promote them?

<sarcasm>Do like most of the rest of the world does... call yourself "Soke" and promote yourself to 10th dan. </sarcasm>

Worry about that when it happens, you have years till then. In the meantime, keep training at that "other" school you belong to. While you wont reach 4td dan that fast there, or surpass it, you will still be progressing... and when it comes time to promote your students to 4th Dan, YOU will decide, being the head of YOUR organization, if you can do it or not.

If they feel the need to rank beyond 4th, well, honestly man, they will leave you... but if the teaching is good, and the school worthwhile they may stick around. And, besides, as I am sure you have seen yourself, a lot of people fall out after 1st dan... if they even make it that far. If you can hold them to 4th, way to go...
You all have been a great help. I have made my choice. Now I just need some money to get started.

I am very happy with my skills and status in the martial arts. I, of course, always aim to become better, but I do believe that I do a good job at teaching, training, and overall running a school. The biggest problem I see in the future is: What happens when someday I have a student or students that are ready to promote to 4th dan? I am a forth, and I will still be a forth at that time. How do I promote them? This is of course in the event that I don't find an organization to belong to. I can careless about rank, but the common american public does care about it.

I wouldn't worry too much about that just yet. It should take around 12-15 years of training to hit 4th dan (and I am lowballing that number).
If you really are concerned about it though, a month ago I sent you a list of decent organizations such as that would promote you to a higher rank.
I have mixed feelings about orgs that will promote people, but realize they are sometimes are needed.

Well, here's my 2 cents:

Either you stay with them, or you pay $30K, or you lose your rank? That's blackmail, and in my opinion, your instructors should be ashamed of themselves.

Can you imagine earning your MD degree at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, but unless you continue working at Columbia, you lose your medical license?

No one can take away your knowledge. I say, follow your dream, keep training, and don't worry about how many stripes you have on your black belt.
1) is there any way that you can see if you can own your own school and still be part of their having higher ranks test in front of their board.. and pay some sort of affiliation fee??

2) if not is there any schools near by that teach the same system that will honor your rank and can promote you in the future?

3) how about gaining rank in a nother system? is this an option in a worst case sinairo(sp)?

i think that you do have options and as some one said that they can kick you out of the orginization but to actually take your rank, bs!


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