Representative Kucinich seems to have found his courage to speak the truth.
People don't want to believe that this level of political manipulation is occurring, but here it is right in our faces. We literally have fake negotiations with fake Taliban in order to cause dissent among the real Taliban and pacify the public back home because they are tired of the war. How many times does it have to be pointed out that a huge portion of what we call the War on Terror is completely fabricated?
How many other fake Taliban are out there? What are they doing? What is political theater? What is real? Isn't the TSA taking my naked picture and groping me (in the US) in order to protect me from them? Protect me from who?
The war in Afghanistan is taking place in a netherworld where facts and common sense have no place. Elections are fake. Our deadline to withdraw is a fake. Now, we learn that a fake Taliban leader has been leading us to believe that NATO was facilitating high-level talks between Taliban leadership and the corrupt Afghan central government were propping up. It was truly amazing that our government said we were negotiating with high-level Taliban leadership while at the same time we were stepping up air strikes to wipe them out."
People don't want to believe that this level of political manipulation is occurring, but here it is right in our faces. We literally have fake negotiations with fake Taliban in order to cause dissent among the real Taliban and pacify the public back home because they are tired of the war. How many times does it have to be pointed out that a huge portion of what we call the War on Terror is completely fabricated?
How many other fake Taliban are out there? What are they doing? What is political theater? What is real? Isn't the TSA taking my naked picture and groping me (in the US) in order to protect me from them? Protect me from who?