Michael Echanis Books.

Originally posted by dohap
just because there are few copies. Nothing special.

Well, it also has a reputation for having secret deadly techniques limited to authorized individuals only. This is propaganda, but even still, that's what excites people.
arnisador said:
Well, it also has a reputation for having secret deadly techniques limited to authorized individuals only. This is propaganda, but even still, that's what excites people.
I've noticed that this book is now available if you look in the back of your BB Magazine...but...it costs twice as much there as from the publisher direct.
arnisador said:
Does anyone know to what extent the books on knife and stick fighting by Michael Echanis were actually used by the military, to whayt extent and for how long?

hi again, wow, talk about a blast from the past, you have to appreciate the era. rhodesia was hiring foreigners(mercenaries) to help fight, south africa would sign up foreigners who wanted to fight in their national defence force in angola, the situation in central america, nicararagua in particular was a huge concern, regan wasn't in office yet, the soviets were rattling sabres in europe, can't remember if afganistan was invaded yet, iran and iraq were at each others throats, so were the israelis and palestinians,........the more things change the more they stay the same!

anyway, i dusted off my feb. 1979 issue of soldier of fortune, special issue on echanis. apparently, he did teach rangers/sf/and seals as a civilian. he was a viet nam vet,was considered the top student of joo bang lee, and at the time of his death was training and leading(in battle) the commandos of the nicararaguan national guard (he was recruited by samosas son who was an echanis student during his us training). his death was shrouded in mystery as he had many enemies in samosas govt as well as with the sandanistas. so keeping in mind the source(sof), but to me,he was the epitome of the martial warrior. were his principles and philosophies utilized? i'd say yes. hope this helps.

as an aside, at this time i was graduating hs, and wanted to go to either south africa, join the french foreign legion (had the airplane ticket and acceptance papers in hand) or join the canadian military. thank god the can. mil. acceptance came through as i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be here writing this otherwise. who says there aren't guardian angels. :) hope this wasn't too boring.
Thanks for the links and info.

French Foreign Legion! Wow. Who had you killed?
shesulsa said:
I've noticed that this book is now available if you look in the back of your BB Magazine...but...it costs twice as much there as from the publisher direct.
I have the three books, and occasionally see the knife self-defense one in the bookstore. Rumor is that there are plenty of pictures that were intended for another book(s).
arnisador said:
Thanks for the links and info.

French Foreign Legion! Wow. Who had you killed?

i could tell you...but then i'd have to....you know..lmao ;)
Now that Black Belt is republishing the famous "black book", it will finally take some of the mystery surrounding it away. For years now, my copy has been a "no loaner", further reinforcing people's desire to know what "deadly forbidden secrets" are inside. I'll probably get a copy of the reprint just to see if they left anything out.
BTW, I wasn't particularly impressed with the techs presented, either. Rather than fight with two knives, I'd rather have one hand free to check, parry, etc. JMHO, of course. :)
I picked up a copy of the black Echanis book in '96. It was sold in a used bookstore right next to a martial arts school and supply store. I got there about 10 minutes after they put in on the shelf. Picked up that, the 3 vol original hwrangdo books and He-Young Kimm's book, Hapkido (retail price $80+ if you could find it, I got it for $28) and a bunch of other rare MA books. As I was paying for my books, a bunch of students from the MA school came in :lol: . They looked at the stack of my MA books, then ran to the MA section, only to find that I had completely plundered the section already %-} . I had one guy offer the woman at the store $100 for the Kimm book,. I just said "To late, she already charged my credit card." He offered me the money, which I turned down. As I was leaving the store I didn't want to act too cocky. I actually thought they might mug me for those books :uhyeah: . If they had, it would have been pretty embarassing to tell the police.

me: Officer, officer, I was just robbed!
cop: slow down son, how much money did they get?
me: none, they robbed me for my books.
cop: books? What kind of gang is this?
me: It wasn't a gang, it was these kung fu students.

It would have been humiliating, but would have made for a great story 20 years later.

Randy Strausbaugh said:
Now that Black Belt is republishing the famous "black book", it will finally take some of the mystery surrounding it away. For years now, my copy has been a "no loaner", further reinforcing people's desire to know what "deadly forbidden secrets" are inside. I'll probably get a copy of the reprint just to see if they left anything out.
BTW, I wasn't particularly impressed with the techs presented, either. Rather than fight with two knives, I'd rather have one hand free to check, parry, etc. JMHO, of course. :)

I agree with knife dueling, I like a single blade. In mass groups, and being out numbered have a blade in each hand helps to keep people at a distance on more than one side. I know this was not you were going for. Just a different point of view. :asian:
Randy Strausbaugh said:
Now that Black Belt is republishing the famous "black book", it will finally take some of the mystery surrounding it away. For years now, my copy has been a "no loaner", further reinforcing people's desire to know what "deadly forbidden secrets" are inside. I'll probably get a copy of the reprint just to see if they left anything out.
BTW, I wasn't particularly impressed with the techs presented, either. Rather than fight with two knives, I'd rather have one hand free to check, parry, etc. JMHO, of course. :)

When will it be released? Do you know? I want to learn the "secrets" too! ;)
Tulisan said:
When will it be released? Do you know? I want to learn the "secrets" too! ;)
HE HE, Tuli! You can order it now through BB mag, but I don't know if the publisher will release a second edition or what. I want one, though and would like to know what the difference is in what I order soon and what was originally published. Just out of curiosity (got all the techniques from HRD anyway).