Interesting website - Wing Chun Journey

Not to mention, origin stories certainly have their challenges.
That can certainly be true.

I have a vague recollection of hearing this Yeun Kay San - Wong Wah Bo connection before. But having learned from a disciple of Sum Nung for the last 28 years, the only thing I have ever heard, from people within the lineage, is Dai Fa Min Kam > Fok Bo Chuen and Fung Sui Ching > Yeun Kay San.

There was also something floating around a while ago with people claiming Fok Bo Chuen learned from someone, whose name escapes me just now. But the only thing Sum Nung ever told my sifu is Fok Bo Chun learned from Dai Fa Min Kam. He also went back through some of the written material Sum Nung gave him, and the only thing in there was Fok Bo Chuen learning from Dai Fa Min Kam.

It's all just nice to think about, and to know where you fit in the Wing Chun landscape I guess, but it really doesn't make any guarantee of the Wing Chun. That just takes enough luck to find a good teacher, and the determination and endurance to train hard.

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