Hopefully 1st class on Saturday

Looks like we have similar backgrounds. Scratch rbsd and zen do off that list and add Arnis and Savat and that's me.

Edit - minus the pro wrestling bit, but I wanted to do that when I was a kid :p
I liked pro wrestling. Then I hit puberty.
Growing up, my brothers, cousins, and I would do all the WWF moves on each other - camel clutch (my favorite), pile driver, clotheslines, atomic drop, superfly snuka off the back of the couch. Pretty much all of it. There were a few cousins that were small enough to gorilla press and drop.

Does that count? If yes, I've trained it. If no, I disagree :)

In all seriousness, I respect the hell out of pro wrestlers' skills. I just stopped watching it around 11 years old. I was far more pissed when I found out pro wrestling was fake than when I found out about Santa Claus. Like 100x more pissed.
I want to increase my skill set to augment what is being taught in the system that I do. Yes, we're taught some locks, throws, etc... But it's like everything else, there are different levels and depths of learning. Eg you can study maths in elementary/primary school, then high school/secondary school, then college and university (then there are levels within that)...

Whether or not I'll enjoy it is a different question, but I'm giving it a go :)
To each their own of course, but I'm not entirely sure that your approach / mind-set is going to allow you to fully appreciate what you are about to start training in.

If you train something purely for the purpose of enhancing / deepening your understanding of another system - there is a risk you will view the new system through the prism of your existing!

You potentially risk doing both styles (and yourself) a disservice.

Just maybe something to have in the back of your mind.
...Just maybe something to have in the back of your mind.

Thanks mate :) That's something that I was made aware of years ago... With every art/style that I've tried and/or stuck with, I approached it with basically an open mind and not comparing it to another art... Cause if I didn't I would be continuously comparing it and there was more of a reluctance to learn :)
Growing up, my brothers, cousins, and I would do all the WWF moves on each other - camel clutch (my favorite), pile driver, clotheslines, atomic drop, superfly snuka off the back of the couch. Pretty much all of it. There were a few cousins that were small enough to gorilla press and drop.

Does that count? If yes, I've trained it. If no, I disagree :)

In all seriousness, I respect the hell out of pro wrestlers' skills. I just stopped watching it around 11 years old. I was far more pissed when I found out pro wrestling was fake than when I found out about Santa Claus. Like 100x more pissed.

If you ever get a chance to train it. Do so. It is a really interesting insight in to how pro wrestling is actually done.

It would be a bit like doing a stunt course I imagine.