


:) my name's dan... i currently school at WVU in morgantown west virginia...

Chronuss is a long time friend of mine, since the days of adolescent shenanigans in Junior High through HIgh school

I used to take Jujitsu and Shindokan instructed by Sensei Zing back in Charles Town, and told Chad about my being enrolled in a Tae Kwon Do class here next semester...

he started telling me all about AK, and it's gotten me really interested... he had me register the forums to check stuff out and witness the pictures of him getting pummelled at shepherd (quite an amusing time i had with that).

anyway, i was just curious if there is an AK school in morgantown, or close by

thanks :D
yes, Dan...certainly haven't talked to you much. (transfer back to Shepherd) yeah, Dan started reminiscing about his Jui-Jitsu days and Shindokan (transfer back to Shepherd) that I started telling him about AK. I rambled on, and on, (transfer back to Shepherd) that I started telling him about MT and all the information that can be gained (transfer back to Shepherd) from the forums and posts here. Then I told him about the seminar Mr. C had in Shepherdstown (transfer back to Shepherd) and that I was the crash test dummy for him for some of it and that he should really see the pics (transfer back to Shepherd). I was simply telling him about all the information AK provides to the student about (transfer back to Shepherd) philosophical ideas, anatomy and body mechanics, self defense, and plain damned good times (transfer back to Shepherd). I personally couldn't tell him if there were any AK schools near or around Morgantown.

must... transfer... back... home... to... Shepherd...

whoa! where'd that come from? that just come outta my mouth from nowhere...

that what they're teaching you Chad, the fine art of subliminal messaging? :p lol
thanks... I'm guessing from the name "Sieg", you're Chad's instructor, and thusly Karen's bro.

Such a small world, Karen's a friend of mine too... nice to meet ya sir :)

and thanks for the info... i get off this friday for a weeks worth of thanksgiving break, and i'm outta here for winter break from like dec 17 to jan 17, a whole month... woo yea.
Originally posted by JocoseWVU

must... transfer... back... home... to... Shepherd...

whoa! where'd that come from? that just come outta my mouth from nowhere...

that what they're teaching you Chad, the fine art of subliminal messaging? :p lol

I'm telling you Dan...all Jedi are Kenpoists...hehe. :jedi1:
...another victim falls to the Kenpo Mind Trick.
Originally posted by JocoseWVU

thanks... I'm guessing from the name "Sieg", you're Chad's instructor,
and thusly Karen's bro.

Such a small world, Karen's a friend of mine too...
I'm sorry.
nice to meet ya sir :)

and thanks for the info... i get off this friday for a weeks worth of thanksgiving break, and i'm outta here for winter break from like dec 17 to jan 17, a whole month... woo yea.
I will not be at the school Monday or Tuesday, but I will be back on Wednesday and we will be closed Thursday. But do stop by.
Originally posted by Seig



I'm sorry.


I will not be at the school Monday or Tuesday, but I will be back on Wednesday and we will be closed Thursday. But do stop by.

What? No vacation for you, get back to work, and quit goofing off!:soapbox: