good standup art???

I think a lot of it depends on what your personal physical attibutes are. Some one mentioned that every art has its weakness. The founder of the disipline didn't think so, it worked just fine for him. He developed a system based on what his body did well. Generations of students corrupted it by tring to make it work for them.

Martial arts are not off the rack. Fast hand speed, upper body strenth in 1 art is great, in another not such a big deal. Micheal Jordan is awesome at basketball, but we all know how he tried in baseball and couldn't make the cut. The question is how many master-grade Wing Chun people don't know how good they really are because they are practicing Tae Kwon Do, or visa versa.

Look at what you have to work with find an art that cultivates those attibutes. Use your natural abilites for faster development. Then look at what you need work on and go back to work on those, that fortifies the weak links.

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