For you to

Those of us who do not suffer from hoplophobia -- the irrational fear of tools and weapons -- do not find anything particularly alarming about the availability of information detailing the manufacture of weaponry, particularly individual hand weapons. Explosives and expedient firearms information might be a bit more morally questionable, given the potential for abuse, but even that is not the responsibility of those possessing the information. Responsibility for individual acts of violence begins and ends with the individual.

If you intend to run about the Internet trying to shut down every site containing information you find upsetting, even if it is merely information on weaponry, you have a lot of work ahead of you.
That is what disturbs me the most.....
If your problem is with their forum, you should take it up with the hosts of that forum. Starting a cross-board conflict doesn't help anyone.
yeah, but these guys ARE plagiarizing information from other sources and calling it their own. The footwork section was plagiarized from one of Stephen Hayes's books and the section about basic meditation was pilfered from Shinobi-Kai.

pretty pathetic, if you ask me.....
Taken from the "The real true :rolleyes: history" section,

Ok, now to sum thing up. Basically, Ninjutsu was the final result of African Witch Doctors being possessed by demons and killing eachother. It passed through many countries, being used mostly for assassination, and found its way to Japan, where the Ninja were still basically assassins (and don't let those egotists tell you otherwise!).

I think you can pretty much write off anything these losers write based just on this.

I remember hearing about how the guy who set up the joke site of gave an interview to NPR and could not understand why people did not figure out that his site was a parody. With guys like this, it really is hard to tell who is making fun and who is just being an idiot.
I sent a complaint to Delphiforums about this earlier this afternoon. I gave them the name of the forum...yet somehow they replied with this:

Thank you for reporting this incident. We have received your report
regarding a Terms of Service (TOS) Violation involving a Delphi Forums

Your complaint, however, is incomplete.

Your allegations cannot be substantiated without the specific message URL.
The name of the forum alone is not sufficient to locate the forum on
Delphi Forums. Instead, we need a "webtag." The webtag is the unique name
assigned to a forum. It is part of the message URL.

Where applicable, we would require that any email be forwarded without any

Due to the high volume of e-mail we receive, we cannot give a personal
reply to all reports. If additional information is required, we will
contact you,
otherwise, this may be the only response you will receive.

Sounds to me they really don't care too much..
Could be an auto-reply that noticed the lack of an appropriate URL--maybe no human ever saw it.
Ok, now to sum thing up. Basically, Ninjutsu was the final result of African Witch Doctors being possessed by demons and killing eachother. It passed through many countries, being used mostly for assassination, and found its way to Japan, where the Ninja were still basically assassins (and don't let those egotists tell you otherwise!).

......... you gotta be kiddin me...:shrug:

oh well, i could always use a good laugh.....:D