Dead Soldier; Happy Mom

Sheehan has flirted with considering challenging Diane Feinstein for her senate seat, and she sounds quite serious about it.

If Sheehan were to make a political move, now is time. She lambasted Feinstein for introducing her fellow Stanford alum, Condaleeza Rice, at Rice's Secretary of State nomination hearing. Sheehan has also criticized Feinstein for praising a member of the Bush cabinet.

To my untrained eyes, Sheehan's entire stance can be condensed down to "Bush is wrong." Since everything she talks about revolves around Bush, she needs to make a move in this mid-term election while Bush is still in office.
michaeledward said:
The Gray cloud / Silver lining over this incident is that the wife of Representative Young (R-FL) was also removed from the State of the Union address. She was wearing a T-Shirt, as well; "Support the Troops - Defending our Freedom".

Wow. A rule applied evenly to everyone! Imagine that!

Imagine the idea of Sheehan running for senator. I have heard some people use almost anything to get into office. It is not a big surprise that Sheehan would profit so handsomely off of the death of a child who dared disagree with her.
Don Roley said:
Wow. A rule applied evenly to everyone! Imagine that!

Except that it wasn't. Sheehan was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor, whereas the other lady was asked politely to leave. Of course, this shouldn't be surprising to anybody, given Bush's history of suppression of dissenting viewpoints wherever he goes. The congressional Democrats should probably feel grateful they weren't arrested as well.
Was either of them acting up? I didn't see it, but was Sheehan being obnoxious where the other woman was being quiet or anything like that?
Xequat said:
Was either of them acting up? I didn't see it, but was Sheehan being obnoxious where the other woman was being quiet or anything like that?

Actually, the reports are exactly the opposite. Ms. Sheehan went quietly with the Capitol Police. Representative Young's wife was a bit more beligerant with the Capitol Police, addressing one of them the phrase, "You're an Idiot.".
I guess Cindy Sheehan is desperately clinging to her 15-minutes of fame. It's not surprising, many people find it difficult to give up the limelight, once they've become famous. Many resort to cheap publicity stunts to keep their name in the news. I expect to see Cindy on Celebrity Boxing next.
michaeledward said:
Actually, the reports are exactly the opposite. Ms. Sheehan went quietly with the Capitol Police. Representative Young's wife was a bit more beligerant with the Capitol Police, addressing one of them the phrase, "You're an Idiot.".

are you making this up? i have yet to read that portion of the circus.
Sapper6 said:
are you making this up? i have yet to read that portion of the circus.


Ms. Sheehan's report of what happened to her can be read here ...

There is a bit of a report concerning Mrs. Young here ..

This article reports some of Mrs. Young's wonderful activities on behalf of American Service people. It also reports a bit of a blue streak in her use of language.

And this ...
Xequat said:
Was either of them acting up? I didn't see it, but was Sheehan being obnoxious where the other woman was being quiet or anything like that?

Young was told that she could not wear the t-shirt in the gallery where the president was giving the speech. She left on her own, but protested the ejection. It seems that the protesting and the idiot comment happened outside the gallery.

Sheehan, according to several reports, did not respond to the police. She ignored them and had to be taken away in handcuffs.

One was charged, the other who left on her own was not.

Check with sources like CBS and read them carefully. Stay away from some of the more partisan sources like Michel Moore's web site if you want the truth. Here is a report by ABC.
Yes, by all means, avoid the First Person accounts of what happened. God knows the people who were actually involved won't have any idea what happened.

Instead, look to the 'Liberal Media' to give you a 'Fair and Balanced' description of what happened. Never mind that the ABC article explains very little about what actually happened, and much more about the Capitol Police apologizing for their actions.

Don't use the right of a 'Free Press' to gather the facts from a variety of points of view, to then form an opinion. Just take the spoon fed 'story' that Corporate America wants you to be aware of.

Or you could catch John Stewarts description on 'The Daily Show', it was pretty good too.
michaeledward said:
Yes, by all means, avoid the First Person accounts of what happened. God knows the people who were actually involved won't have any idea what happened.

Kind of like asking O.J. Simpson what happened to his ex-wife. Seriously, you expect someone who obviously hates Bush as much as Sheehan and Moore do to be objective? And the whole line about 'corporate America'... seriously now!:uhyeah:
I can understand why she would want to protest president bush. I am not a big fan of the war but that is my opinion. so I say as long as she thinks this is what she needs to do then all the power to her
She was not there to Protest the President. She was an invited guest of a member of the United States House of Representatives.

If you look at the link, you will see that Michael Moore does not make any statements on the page I connected to. The reason the first person account is linked to from that page is because ABC didn't carry the first person report; nor did Fox, or CNN. Ms. Sheehan's recounting of the events were posted on the Huffington Post, and possibly DailyKos. But those sites would no doubt engender similar attitudes.

Ms. Sheehan's recounting of the event (if you bothered to read it) explains two very common sense items .... 1) she had been wearing that t-Shirt througout the day. 2) if she wanted to make a statement, she would have not taken her overcoat off until after the President had arrived in the Chamber.

That's OK though, Don Roley, just keep your mind closed. It's easier that way.
michaeledward said:
She was not there to Protest the President.

Uh, and we are to believe her after all that has gone on?

For all my "closed mind", I still try to point people in the direction of places like ABC, CNN, and others that have a need to maintain a standard of proffesionalism. To discount them because they are some part of a corporate conspiracy is rather nutty in my view.

I would think that the news orginizations that have to rely on their reputation would listen to Sheehan and take what she says into account with everything else. And of course, Sheehan is very, very biased against the president. So it is not surprising that an equally biased Micheal Moore would give her version of events and not something like ABC unless it fit with other accounts.

To say to listen to the obviously partisan veiwpoints of Sheehan and company and ignore established journalists due to their corporate leanings is right up there with Illuminati conspiracy theories as far as I am concerned.
michaeledward said:
She was not there to Protest the President. She was an invited guest of a member of the United States House of Representatives.
If I were invited to such an event, I would respectfully wear a suit; My wife would also choose "proper" attire. When I work, attend church or other such gatherings then I also wear attire without messages. When I'm out & about in public, then I might wear a TeeShirt advertising my kenpo school or even a political message.

I think everyone should do the same (especially wear a shirt that advertisies my kenpo school).
michaeledward said:
Ms. Sheehan's recounting of the event (if you bothered to read it) explains two very common sense items .... 1) she had been wearing that t-Shirt througout the day.
No bath and change of clothes before the event? I don't think that's shows common sense, after all, how many of us get such an invite?
Ray, apparently that is the case, indeed. There are photos of her wearing that shirt earlier in the day.

Don Roley, I am not discounting ABC, CNN, MSNBC, or FOX.

I am suggesting we expose ourselves to the information available. I am not suggesting that we believe only Ms. Sheehan and nobody else. Look at all the information available, and apply logic to the situation to see if we can determine what happened.

Sounds like you are saying ... well, because her thoughts are subjective, we must discount them.

Put all the available information into the pot, boil it for away, burn away the chaff, use your intelligence as a crucible. Recognize her comments as subjective, and apply your own sense of 'common sense' and 'fair play' to the information you receive.

I wonder if we dug around some other thread, if we would find you guys decrying the "Liberal Media", that you are now saying we must turn to.

If the accused is willing to take the stand at a trial, would you say "Nope, we can't hear from him"?

EDIT --- P.S. and if you look at my original links, you will see I posted a link to an NBC News affiliated station.
michaeledward said:
Don Roley, I am not discounting ABC, CNN, MSNBC, or FOX

Then explain this,

Just take the spoon fed 'story' that Corporate America wants you to be aware of.

Yes, you are discounting them on the basis that they are "Corporate America."

I feel free in saying that when someone has as much history of bias and rabidly attacking the president as Sheehan does, you do not listen too closely to them unless there is something to back up what they say. Would Sheehan have a stake in presenting things in a certain way? The answer is most obviously yes.

And nothing else I see from reputable sources seems to contradict the version that she was taken away and charged because she would not leave or take off the t-shirt as Young did.

We all know that she has had to be dragged away from protests by the police. She has been photographed smiling as she is being carried away. This incident fits her past behavior. To think that she would not enjoy another media circus and chance to present the President in an bad light is folly.
I have to question what purpose ANY demonstration by Cindy Sheehan serves at this point. The only people really paying any attention to her at this point, are the Michael Moore type "quacks". If not for the "15 minutes of fame", what other purpose could this nonsense serve? Is a protest effective if no one is listening?

It's unfortunate, but I think she will eventually realize that celebrity does not make up for the loss of a loved one. Especially when your "crusade" only damages the relationships you have with your other loved ones.
Jeff Boler said:
I have to question what purpose ANY demonstration by Cindy Sheehan serves at this point. The only people really paying any attention to her at this point, are the Michael Moore type "quacks". If not for the "15 minutes of fame", what other purpose could this nonsense serve? Is a protest effective if no one is listening?

It's unfortunate, but I think she will eventually realize that celebrity does not make up for the loss of a loved one. Especially when your "crusade" only damages the relationships you have with your other loved ones.

Ms. Sheehan was not attempting, at the State of the Union, to make any Demonstration. She was there to observe. I assume that is the same reason many Americans tuned in to the television or, like me, via radio.


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